The Executive Team

We are now over the half way mark of the first term at Greater Shepparton Secondary College and what a busy time it has been at each campus. There have been many successful events over the past few weeks including the Junior and Senior Swimming Sports where excellent participation and effort levels were displayed.
With the Senior Summer Sports coming up on Friday 13th March we are anticipating that all of the students involved will continue to represent our College with distinction.
Multicultural Forum
On March 3rd a multicultural forum was held at the Mooroopna Campus. Students from The LEAD (Leadership Exploration and Development) class and students from different cultural backgrounds looked at how we can include all of the diverse groups that make up our college.
Year 9 Camp at Campaspe Downs
Year 9 students will be participating in the camp at Campaspe Downs from March 25th -27th. This will be a great opportunity for the students to interact with each other and their teachers in a less formal setting. As this is an adventure based camp it will also be an opportunity to step outside their comfort zone and test themselves in unfamiliar situations.
Teaching & Learning: Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences will be held in the last week of term March 23rd –27th. There will be an evening session from 4:30pm-7:30pm at each campus.
McGuire Campus on Tuesday 24th March
Mooroopna Campus on Wednesday 25th March
Wanganui Campus on Thursday 26th March
In addition to this there will be a session from 10:00am–1:00pm on Friday 27th March at all three campuses. Students are expected to attend the conferences with their parents.
School Uniform
It appears that many students are opting to wear sports uniform despite having the proper summer uniform. Parents and Students are reminded that sports uniform is designed for Physical Education classes and sports events. The uniform policy is on the website and details the uniform requirements. Displays of current uniform will be on display in the foyer of each campus in the next week.
The cooler weather is rapidly approaching and students are beginning to wear jumpers and hoodies that are inappropriate. Winter uniform is available at all three uniform retailers.
All students are expected to be in full school uniform, including shoes, from the first day of Term 2.
Student Travel
Students are reminded that Notre Dame College is private property and GSSC students are not permitted to enter the grounds. Teachers from Notre Dame College supervise the Skene Street Bus Interchange and are there to ensure the safety of all students. Students should act respectfully towards the supervising teachers and other students at all times.
Parents are reminded that bus interchanges are for buses only. Cars must not enter the interchanges as this compromises the safety of students and parents.
The majority of students are acting responsibly and respectfully which is very pleasing.
Steve Bolton
Principal, Mcoroopna Campus
For the Executive Team
Greater Shepparton Secondary College