First of all today I need to let our school community know that during the last school holidays one of our lovely transition students passed away. Shaveena had been sick for some time and she slipped away around Easter. Due to restrictions on attendance at funerals no one from school attended but we did send flowers. The loss of Shaveena is devastating for her family and I know you will be saddened to hear of her death. Her death had nothing to do with coronavirus.



I received a lot of fabulous photos of many students working and learning at home, many are included in this newsletter.

I wish to thank the parents and carers who have emailed or phoned with words of encouragement and support. I would also like to thank the families who have raised issues and concerns as we enter this brave new world of remote learning. Because you have raised these issues we have been able to sort them out quickly.

Our website will be live by the end of the week (fingers crossed), more information and a link will be provided as soon as possible. I wish to remind you all that you do NOT have to do a full school day at home, we know that many of you are working from home, managing school work for primary and secondary students and trying to fit in activities with your Dandy Valley child, our expectation is that you will just do your best. No one is going to fall behind during this period of remote learning in fact in many ways this can be seen as a positive, I’m hearing many comments about the opportunities for quality family time.



I can assure you all that the teachers are working extremely hard behind the scenes to provide meaningful educational experiences for your children. Some of our staff are exhausted working from home, there is a whole new dynamic to their teaching and professional interactions that are causing a great deal of stress. We are not having an extra-long holiday at all!!

Until we can all come back to school we will be in constant touch via phone, email and potentially skype. Please stay connected and in touch.


Be safe,

Cheers Sue