General Information

Monarch butterflies

You may have noticed several orange Monarch butterflies fluttering around the gardens of the school.  It has been a wonderful experience to see the butterflies emerge from their chrysalises one by one!


2022 Materials & Services Charge - School Fees

A reminder that the 2022 Materials and Services Charges (school fees) are due Thursday 14th April 2022 (last day of Term 1). 

Payment can be made at the school office or over the telephone.

If you are eligible for school card assistance you are able to complete your application online at: note: a new school card application is required at the start each year. 

For families preferring to enter into a payment arrangement or for payment to the school bank account, please contact Cathy at the school office on 8276 5366 prior to the end of term 1.

Thank you.

Cathy Wisdom

Business Manager


School Uniforms

Clovelly Park Primary School expects students to wear their school uniform with pride. 

This policy has been negotiated by the Governing Council in consultation with students, parents and staff.

The Governing Council have the responsibility to develop policy on dress codes within their school. The Clovelly Park Primary School community believes the wearing of our school uniform:

  • promotes pride in our school
  • enhances our public image
  • ensures student safety
  • reduces peer group pressures
  • encourages appropriate clothing for school activities and excursions
  • promotes a sense of equality and equal opportunity that will in turn promote self esteem.




Getting ready for Harmony Day...

Celebrations will be held on Friday 25 March, 2022


The continuing message of Harmony Day is ‘Everybody Belongs’ and its annual significance aims to encourage inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural background. To celebrate the diversity at Clovelly Park Primary School, we have organised many special activities.

Special lunch order (keep an eye out for the order form coming soon – halal options available).


Wear orange or cultural dress (get your clothes organised for Friday, March 25).

Listen to cultural music at break times.

Tie dye shirts orange. 

(Find a white t-shirt to bring on Monday, March 21 – this is optional)

Harmony Day lunchtime activities.

Whole School art project making ‘flag bunting’ to represent the countries in our school. 


Community kindness activity. Please look out for strips of orange material that will be placed at the front gate during school pick up an drop off times. We invite you to write a message of kindness to the community in your home language and tie it on the gate.