Library News

NSW State Library Research orientation program for Secondary/HSC
Recently Mrs Carr’s Extension English students have participated in an introduction to library research through the NSW State Library. The one-hour online session introduced students to a wealth of e-resources, including peer-reviewed research that they can access from home. It is an opportunity we would like to expand in the future.
Year 7
The Year 7 students have been book hunting in our Library and learning about the resources available in the Library. It is great to see students searching the catalogue, browsing and using “Where is it?” Dewey library guides to independently find library resources.
Reading Focus
This year we are continuing our focus on our student and their growing appetite for reading. In the words of Australian author of over 200 books and well-known dyslexic Jackie French,
“Books aren't like broccoli. You don't have to eat it because it's good for you. Books drag you in because they are fascinating.”
In the library our students are encouraged to choose what they want to read for pleasure, learning, empathy and to use Jackie French’s words, ‘to grow their brains’. We let readers know that when choosing their own book to read, it is fine to say, ‘This book is boring. May I choose another?’
Finding the “just right” book
There are lots of ways to find the “just right” book. We are continuing our eye-catching displays and also displaying books matching our student’s reading levels. Additionally, Mrs Barrett and Ms Laird are visiting English classes to upskill students in using the Accelerated Reader Search tool within our catalogue to research reading options either at home or before they come to the library. Students are highly likely to be successful.
However, when students have a book request, we encourage our students to let us know. Students are asked to use our “book request” slip and chat to us about their reading interests. Our library is always adding new books and we are looking for student suggestions to help us to build the collection.
We are looking forward to 2022 and wishing our students all the best over the next month as they settle in to the McCarthy Learning routines and environment.
Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian