Careers & VET News

Health Careers Forum
The last two weeks have seen several career related events. Firstly, the annual Health Careers Forum organised by the University of Newcastle Department of Rural Health was attended by twenty Year 12 students.
By watching and participating in several scenarios which showed a team of allied health professionals in action, students were able to see what was involved in these careers. Hands-on activities included one student returning to school in a plaster cast.
Thank you to the team at UONRHD for their continued support for students in the district.
White Card Course
In Week 5 eighteen students participated in White Card training and received their certificates which enables them to do work experience and employment on construction sites. Thank you to CHS Training who ran the course and to Ryan Hanrahan from Regional Industry Education Partnership who subsidised the cost of the course for our students.
Regular fortnightly Career Chats
Each Wednesday Week A at recess there will be a presentation in M2 with information on different topics which can cover various year groups. So far these have included:
- CSU’s Early Entry scheme
- Which course and which Uni? - How to decide
- Engineering as a Career
Next week it will be a Q&A Forum following a conversation with a group of Year 12's who had heaps of questions.
Defence Force Recruiting
- On Wednesday 30 March 2022 representatives from Defence Force Recruiting will be here to talk to interested students in Year 9-12 at first break in M2
- There is also an information evening for parents and students at Calrossy’s Brisbane Street Campus on Tuesday 29 March 2022. You will need to register at:
Work Experience
Call into the Careers Office, located in the Library, for a quick chat with Mrs Balderston to discuss your options and to find out what you need to do. Think about what you want to do and let us see if we can help you organise an experience in that work environment.
Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser
Julie Kellahan - VET Coordinator
Raelee Balderston - Careers & VET Support Officer