School Nurse


Nurse Cecile 

Did you know that 1 in 20 school age children have a food allergy and some of them will experience a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis?

Australia has one of the highest allergy rates in the world. While insect allergy is less common than food allergy in the school setting, the school community needs to understand how they can help support someone at risk of anaphylaxis. Currently there is no cure for food allergy so avoiding the food trigger is the only way to prevent an allergic reaction. It is important to note that for some individuals, very small amounts of a food or drink can trigger an allergic reaction including anaphylaxis. 

Brighton Primary School has several children who have anaphylaxis and we also have multiple children with food allergies. Our staff have completed their annual first aid training to ensure they are up to date with managing allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis.


Here are some important points to help reduce the risk of children being exposed to allergens which may result in anaphylaxis at school:

  • Remind your child not to share food  or drinks at school
  • Consider students with allergies in your classroom and avoid bringing foods which may cause a child to have an allergic reaction. If there is a child with anaphylaxis in your classroom, a letter has been sent home to the class earlier in the year.
  • In classes where a student has a known food allergy, the child should wash their hands before and after eating if their classmate has brought in food they are allergic to.  Hand sanitiser does not remove allergens.
  • Make sure you notify the Canteen if your child has allergies when ordering food.
  • Speak with your classroom teacher before bringing food in for a class party.

Below is the link to the BPS Anaphylaxis Policy

Thank you everyone for doing your part to keep our school community safe.

Please contact me if you have any concerns.


Warm Regards,
