Wellbeing Update

Diane Douglas
Diane Douglas

With only a few weeks remaining of term, I am a bit hesitant to share the conversation I had with colleagues today. In this conversation we were reminded that this term is the first term in two years that we have been teaching and learning onsite for the whole term! We acknowledge that this shift to being onsite for learning and the departure from the challenges of managing the bouncing between onsite and remote learning have presented a unique set of challenges not experienced previously in the school’s history. 


There has been a whole of school focus on the need for the reminding of and resetting of expectations of respectful behaviours and social skills to ensure all students and staff are feeling happy, safe and connected in the ‘new’ experience of onsite learning. The fact that the College is currently a building site and our enrolment numbers are growing has also added to the challenges of ensuring students interact appropriately in an adjusted size space. There is great excitement about the upcoming opening of the new Year 7 & 8 Learning Space and the reinstatement of the greatly missed hard courts.


A wide range of programs and activities is available across the College to support students to reconnect with peers, renew their sense of belonging and reconnect to the onsite face to face learning environment.


The school is awash with a huge range of different lunchtime groups - philosophy, Japanese, French, gardening and chess groups are just a few of the options available for students to connect with. There was great celebration when the weekly Brekkie group was able to meet again over shared croissants and hot chocolate. The same celebration for the members of the lunchtime RESPECT group supporting our LGBTIQ students and allies took place. 


Kingston Youth Services team are coming onsite each Wednesday to provide fun lunchtime activities to support our Year 7s as they transition into a new school environment from primary school. 


Taking the opportunity to remind all of the need to be respectful toward each other in our shared space, the Wellbeing Team hosted an event for the school community to acknowledge National Day against Bullying and Violence. Students and staff participated by sharing their pledge to continue to build Mordialloc College’s Kindness Culture. 

Diane Douglas and Melanie Raike - Kindess Day
Diane Douglas and Melanie Raike - Kindess Day


All were in agreement that this year’s Swimming Carnival was one of the best ever! The opportunity to all meet together and celebrate not only the opportunity to compete in the swimming lanes for their house but also participate in karaoke, fashion on the fields and generally getting together and having fun made it a great day of celebration in our College life together.   


The Wellbeing Team is looking forward to their upcoming planning day to work together to review and continually improve our practice to ensure we are always following guidelines for best practice in the field of wellbeing and mental health support. If you would like to have a conversation with myself or a member of the Wellbeing Team please email wellbeing@mc.vic.edu.au so we can arrange a time to chat about the range of supports available to ensure your child is feeling safe, happy and experiences a real sense of belonging at Mordialloc College.


Diane Douglas

Director of Student Wellbeing