making some noise!

2019 Bands Night 

Emily Palekis

Director of Music

At the end of Term 1, Brunswick Secondary College staged our annual Bands Night. This was an amazing opportunity for students participating in voice, electric bass, guitar and drum lessons to perform a range of contemporary pieces to an enthusiastic audience. It was fabulous to see students rehearse and perform with others from different year levels - and to sound great doing it! The students have all been rehearsing their pieces since the start of the year and it really paid off on the night.


This was the first time that we have held Bands Night in the new BSC Theatre and it went very well - performing with all the lights and mics is always fun and everyone did a great job despite all the nerves backstage! 


It was a great experience and we look forward to doing it all again next year.

Alex A
Alex A

Alex Adams

Year 8

Bands nights was enjoyable. After students had performed we could hang out (in the Performing Arts room) and meet new students from other music dclasses, which was great.

I learned that it doesn't matter if you can't play the instrument at the beginning of the year, because you get taught well and practice - it’s  fun – and you know how to perform the music  by the time Bands Night comes around!


Jakob S
Jakob S

Jakob Schuster

Year 11

It was so much fun to be part of this year's Bands Night. It is great to be able to showcase instrumental music students from across all year levels, and it's especially useful for VCE music students who need as much experience as we can get, performing in front of a variety of audiences.


As a bonus, during setup I learned how to use the lighting desk - thanks to Jude Angove and Lexie Sharples! Overall, Bands Night is just such a good opportunity to show parents and friends what we've been working on, and a chance to perform music with friends. I am looking forward to playing in it again next year!

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