a new perspective

Kate Altomare

Year 12 Coordinator

In the last week of Term 1,  Year 12 students  were encouraged to choose to participate in a range of  Home Group activities.  Choices included  yoga, an art class and various sports on the field . The aim of this program was to increase student awareness around stress as well as to demonstrate that excercise can be an outlet that helps them not only to manage their stress levels, but also to achieve a more balanced and positive approach to work, rest and play.

Tarik Kocak

Year 12

Being a Year 12 student means that we rarely, if ever, have the time or the manpower to do any group activities. Instead, we are constantly at work improving our skills in the fields of language, mathematics, humanities or science. Not that that’s a bad thing, mind you!


This year has been a little different though. Countless times we have been encouraged by Ms Mc’Culloch and Ms Altomare to be more pro-active and dynamic whilst not studying.  The Home Group activities program was a game changer in terms of ‘getting out there’. All the Year 12 students got a chance to participate and join in with activities including yoga, football, soccer and even more refined activities like skipping. I  participated in the activities on the field - starting out with football and then going onto things like skipping later on.


The actual activities only lasted for about 45 minutes, but those 45 minutes felt like hours (in a good way). It really helped those students who usually spend lunctimes studying or lounging around to get out and about and to know who their fellow students were.


I think the school staff deserve a big congratulations and everyone’s gratitude for what they have done in supporting the Year 12 students with this activity day. Not only has it helped to clear students' minds by getting them active, but it has also built upon the bonds between students, making them stronger.


Hannah R
Hannah R


Year 12

School Captain

I chose to participate in the Yoga & Meditation activity at Home Group.

Being able to mentally check out of school for the 45 minute yoga class had a very positive impact on my sense of calm and direction for the rest of the day. It is natural to feel uncomfortable when trying yoga or meditation for the first time, especially in an environment with your peers, however those who were able to engage for the full duration of the session reaped the reward of totally 'zenning out' in the space and getting into a nice flow. I hope we can practice  yoga and meditation sessions across all year levels, as I believe that mindful thinking and movement is worth investing in during our formative years.

Additional photos - click on the Gallery to enlarge.