jazz at brunswick

Jazz Improvisation Workshop

Emily Palekis

Director of Music

We recently had the opportunity for a select group of instrumental music students to participate in a Jazz Improvisation Workshop. This event was organised by the Melbourne International Jazz Festival and we welcomed 4 Jazz musicians from Melbourne who will be performing as part of the festival this year.


This was an opportunity for some of the more experienced players to extend their improvisation skills as well as for our developing musicians to gain an understanding about how to approach improvisation.


It was great to see some of the senior students interacting and assisting younger students and encouraging them in their playing. The workshop allowed students to showcase some of their skills,  develop an awareness about how to communicate with other musicians during a performance, and to learn how different instruments can interact through improvisation.  These music improvisation skills allow players to have a lot of fun both individually and as part of a band or ensemble.


Well done to all the students who participated in this event!


Click on the photo gallery below to enlarge photos and to see more.