Co-curricular - Junior Sport

The end of Term 1 is now upon us and what a term it has been. This would have to be one of the busiest terms I can remember. We had both year groups go to camp, Summer sport trials, the first half of the Summer season, the Junior School House Swimming Carnival and author visits. All this and we are only just scratching the surface of all that has occurred.
The term also threw up a few curveballs, especially where the weather was concerned. Who could forget the torrential rain that fell during the Cross Country Carnival and having to squeeze in the Winter sport trials at the end of the term.
With the great array of activity this term we were able to, mainly due to the hard work of the Junior School staff, give the boys some great experiences and hopefully some lasting memories of their time in the Junior School.
Trials have now been completed and all boys should be aware of their teams for Round 1, Term 2. The first three rounds of the Winter season are an extension of the trial period and boys are given the opportunity, through their performances, to move teams. Any student that is still unaware of his team is asked to email me to find out. Draft draws and training schedules will be made available on the College App prior to the commencement of Term 2. Please check during the holidays for this information.
The Junior School will be involved in Supporters’ Day on Saturday 6 May. This is a compulsory day for Junior School students and boys that are absent will be found an alternative day to attend. The day revolves around support for the First XI Football Team and the First XV Rugby Team. Boys will be required to have their name marked off in Powell Pavilion from around 1:00 PM, before moving up to support the First XI on SPC 2. Boys will then move down to Breen Oval to support the First XV. The day will conclude at the end of the rugby fixture at around 5:00 PM. Boys are to wear their black Supporter’s polo, black crested shorts, and black cap. If the weather is cool, the College tracksuit should be worn.
Last Saturday, 15 boys from the Junior School represented the College at the IPSHA Cross Country Carnival. A new, very gruelling course was set, with a large uphill section leading to the finish line. This certainly separated the men from the boys. Our team did very well, with many finishing in the first half of the group in the different age groups. Congratulations to Archie and Charlie Ackland of Year 6 who were selected in the IPSHA team to run at the CIS Carnival later this year. The carnival will be held at Eastern Creek, and we wish the boys all the best for their run.
The Junior School House Cross Country Carnival has been rescheduled for early Term 2. The carnival will be held in Week 3 and, weather permitting, be run at Hudson Park and the surrounding parklands. This will be confirmed closer to the date. All age groups will run, even the 12 years as many boys were asked to leave the course early due to the rain. Age champions will be awarded in the 11 Years and 10 Years age groups, however as we had over 20 boys complete the course in the rain earlier this term, the 12 Years age champions’ results will stand from the original race. I look forward to some blue skies and some great racing at the carnival.
Boys involved in Junior School AFL, should have received their guernseys by today. The guernseys are hired from the College and all boys involved will incur a small, approximately $25 dollar hire fee. This cost will appear in the Term 3 fees.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular