
Easter Message
The situation looked very grim for Jesus’s disciples that first Easter.
Jesus had been arrested, shamefully treated, and killed. The last thing they expected was his resurrection, and yet that’s what happened, and that’s what we celebrate each Sunday and especially this Sunday at Easter.
Jesus’s resurrection brought hope and possibility and pointed ultimately to the new creation God is bringing to the whole world.
This Easter season finds many people around the world in grim situations.
Ukrainians continue to suffer due to the Russian invasion of their country. Millions of other people, especially in Europe, are suffering due to higher fuel and food costs because of Russia’s action. There are other wars and conflicts where people are suffering, among them South Sudan, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. The Turkish people are still recovering from the massive earthquakes they suffered. Within Australia, the experience of dispossession and dislocation continues to impact on Australia’s First Peoples’ sense of home and identity. The invitation offered in the Statement from the Heart has not been received in the spirit of hope with which it was offered. And now, we are dealing with the political debates about the Voice movement.
You’d have to say that for many of the world’s population, things may look hopeless. And without the resurrection they would be. But because of it, there is hope.
Hope of change and renewal. Hope that light will come from dark. Hope that the kingdom of God will be revealed.
And in the meantime, God will continue to give strength as we turn to Him and trust Him.
The death of Jesus on the cross showed the depth of God’s love for the whole world and brought the hope of forgiveness and reconciliation between God and humanity.
The resurrection of Jesus proved that Jesus is Messiah, saviour, and ended the hold of death over creation. We continue to wait for the revealing of all the fruit of Easter, but we wait as people filled with hope because of what happened.
The despair of the disciples was transformed to joy when they realised Jesus was raised from the dead. May we be filled with joy as we celebrate Easter and look forward to its fruit in our world.
When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Wendell Berry - The Peace of Wild Things |
May the Easter experience include the presence of still water and time to rest in the grace of the world.
Community News
We had a wonderful round against Trinity Grammar School last Saturday resulting in the win of the Black and Green Aggregate Shield.
Our Rugby supporter parents/carers were generous in running a food, beverage and sausage sizzle station to raise money for the students leaving on the Tokyo Rugby Tour. We also had a successful raffle. In total, $4,355 was raised that will now be put towards the students’ needs on the tour. It will enable us to provide meals that are not in the package, incidentals and entry into tourist attractions. Many thanks to our community for their generosity.
- Mr Liam Heffernan (Music teacher) has tendered his resignation and is leaving the teaching profession. His last day is Thursday 6 April. It is at short notice, but we have commenced a process of recruitment. I will advise parents/carers as soon as I have made an appointment.
- Ms Jaina Puthumana (English teacher) has resigned too due to a change in personal circumstances. Like the position above, little notice was given and we have already begun recruitment.
- Ms Melissa Harkin (Head of Counselling Service), who is currently on Long Service Leave, has tendered her resignation from her position. I congratulate Samantha Donnelly on her appointment to the position of Head of Counselling Services. She continues to contribute to the wellbeing of our boys and can now help in the planning and provision of counselling services for our students.
- Scientia Building Update
We are nearing a date for occupancy of the new building. We were keen to commence Science classes there from the start of Term 2 however, there will be a delay in this. Given that this building houses laboratories, two kitchens and a cafeteria, there is some work still to be done to get a fire clearance. We expect for much of this to now be completed in the vacation break and we are working on occupying the building from the start of Week 2, Term 2. Once we have occupancy, we then have the delicate, difficult, and laborious job of packing up the Hodda laboratories and professionally move across all of our equipment and chemicals. We had expected to do this in the vacation break, but the Occupancy Certificate will not yet be granted. Thus, we expect Science to be operational from Week 5, Term 2. We can move into our Commercial Kitchen as soon as we have our Occupancy Certificate. A soft opening so to speak!
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!
**except divide by zero