News from around the school

Early Years ~

Early Years ~ Chefs 

Our Foundation Students' Trip to the Fire Station ~

This term’s our Prep inquiry unit focus is ‘Who Helps Us?’ We are learning about the helpers that are an integral part of our community such as nurses, police officers and firefighters. 


On Thursday, 4th of May our Preps visited the Shepparton Fire Station for a fun, hands-on educational session, meeting some firefighters, exploring the vehicles, using the equipment and learning all about how they help our community. We are also very thankful to have one of our Prep’s Dad who works as a firefighter that will help facilitate and share his knowledge and the equipment. 


Lower Years ~ 

Lower Years


In Inquiry our topic is Why is history worth knowing? Students have been finding out about their family history. They have decided what they want to research and have taken home questions to ask someone at home. Students have been presenting this information in a range of ways including family trees, slideshows, posters and lego. 


Wonder Recycling Program ~ 


Our school has signed up to the Wonder Recycling Program, we are asking if students can bring in their empty bread bags to place in the collection bins, which have been placed around the school. (one outside Foundation space, one in space between 3/4 and 5/6, one in 1/2 area and one in the office area)

These bread bags will be weighed at the end of collection time (start July). Then the school receives points which can be used to purchase sports equipment. 

Please note:

It doesn't have to be Wonder bread bags only. The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it’s a bread bag. If it hasn’t contained bread, then it’s not a bread bag.

Bread bags should be free from crumbs to ensure no contamination during the recycling process but they do not need to be washed.

Thank you so much for your support.