Catholic Identity


If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
               Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016

Catholic Education Week 

Last week we celebrated  Catholic Education Week in Sandhurst. Catholic Education Week is an opportunity for all Catholic schools across our diocese to celebrate our Catholic Identity, something we are so proud of. Thank you to Father Peter who joined us for some of our celebrations. A highlight of the week was the whole school prayer journalling together at assembly. 


World Labyrinth Day in Schools

Our School Community came together for such an important day last Friday May 5th for World Labyrinth Day in schools. This annual Labyrinth-a-thon has been celebrated since our school labyrinth was created in 2012. 


This year the theme was Peaceful Hearts ~ we focussed on Scripture from the First Book of Samuel: “God does not see as man sees; man looks at appearances, but the Lord looks at the heart” and a prayer from the wonderful & inspiring Bishop Joe: “Jesus give us a heart that loves like you, feels like you, understands like you and behaves like you.”


A massive thank you to Luisa. We are so blessed to have Luisa's wisdom, experience and passion to guide us with our Labyrinth walks. 

Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders, who helped our day run so smoothly.

Thank you to all the children for the respectful way they participated, they really saw the importance of the Labyrinth and how much it is valued at our school as a form of prayer & meditation. 


Thanks again to all involved.


Celebrating the Wonderful Women in our Lives ~ Happy Mother's Day 

This Sunday we celebrate Mother’s Day. This is an important day to remember the important role that our mother and mother-figures play in our lives. From aunts to grandmothers to friends, we all have many women in our lives that we can look up to.


Mary has a unique place in the Catholic faith. She is the Mother of God and her willingness to say “yes” to God’s calling is one which we try to emulate in our lives every day. Mary demonstrates the important role a mother plays in their child’s life, even if that child is the Son of God. We see her gentle guidance in Jesus’ formative years, and it was through Mary’s prompting that Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. 



In fact, in the church, May is also the month of motherhood. It is the month in which we celebrate the motherhood of Mary. Mary, who by becoming the Mother of God, assumed a special role in our lives.


One of my favourite prayer poems that my Nan taught me as a child is ~ Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue, teach me how to pray. 

Sacramental Candidates Journey

A reminder our next Sacramental cluster group is this Thursday 18th May at St. Anne's at 6.30pm.


We continue to pray for our Sacramental Candidates as they continue preparations towards receiving the sacraments of First Eucharist & Confirmation.  Each pastoral group has a candidate they are especially praying for. With prayer cards on their prayer spaces as a beautiful reminder each day.


Our Sacramental Candidates will be presented at assembly this week as they look towards their Sacramental Mass on May 28th ~ Pentecost Sunday. Our School community with then congratulate them at Assembly on Monday, May 29th.



Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.


St Mels Church Bulletin & other important information: