Career News

Ms Kellie EGAN
Now taking Expressions of Interests for Year 8 and 9 students
Explore careers through virtual reality and see your future with Mindflight7
This exclusive career exploration opportunity is available for Year 8 and 9 students who choose to opt in. Places are limited so registration is essential.To register your interest please consent to the compass event ‘Mindflight incursion’ and pay the $20 (non-refundable) fee by 4pm, Friday 2nd June.
Mindflight7 Career Incursions are a virtual reality (VR) experience. Using VR technology to fully immerse students, our experiences are designed to allow students to travel to far off places on virtual field trips, connecting them with experts in their field and providing virtual ‘hands on’ learning opportunities.Students might find themselves in any number of exciting and challenging scenarios, including performing open-heart surgery, being thrust into the International Space Station (ISS) for a surreal, weightless astronaut experience or composing a new song on soundstage.
By experiencing the range of possibilities that virtual reality allows, students are compelled to look towards the future - one that may even consider a career in VR programming and development.
Benefits of Mindflight 7 to students
- The Mindflight7 virtual reality experience is safe, fun, educational and inspiring
- Has a broad range of career education experiences across Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics subjects (STEAM)
- Each student has autonomy to decide which VR experiences they’d like to try, in a safe and private setting
- Students can choose their ‘flight plan’ based solely on their own interests, passions and aspirations.
- The VR method means students are unhindered by the usual barriers to wide career exploration: time, distance, cost and personal networks.
- Students are able to experience the reality of what it might be like to work in a particular field, without having to leave the classroom.
- Expands their mindset to try new experiences
- Helps guide their decision making on future subject choices and make more focused, relevant career choices.
Incursion Details: Your typical flight path will see students led by the friendly and helpful VR ‘flight crew’ as they guide them through the experiences. Each student and their teacher receive a VR headset for the duration of the Mindflight7 virtual career incursion program.
Incursion length: 60 minutes
Cost: $20.00 per student
When: The excursion will take place in Term 3. Date will be announced closer to event .
How to participate: The VR Mindflight incursion is an opt-in event available for all Year 8 and 9 students.To register your interest please consent to the compass event ‘Mindflight incursion’ and pay the $20 (non-refundable) fee by 4pm, Friday 2nd June 2023
To find out more about Mindlight7 watch: Mindflight7 Virtual Reality High School Incursion or visit
Email any questions to
Career News - 28th April 2023
Swinburne ‘University Experience’ excursion
Now taking Expressions of Interests for Year 10 and 11 students
The Swinburne University experience excursion will give Year 10 and 11 Highvale students the ultimate introduction to higher education - a full day-in-the-life experience at Swinburne. One of the best ways to get students excited about tertiary study is to come and experience a University campus. Students will have first-hand access to Swinburne’s state-of-the-art facilities, develop innovative skills in a series of interactive workshops, and experience a lecture from one of their thought leaders.
This exclusive career and university experience is only available for Year 10 and 11 students who register to attend. Places are limited so registration is essential. To register your interest please consent to the compass event ‘Swinburne Excursion’ by 4pm, Friday 2nd June
WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS: The workshops are designed to engage students and link learning to real-world outcomes. Students will be able to choose 2 workshops across a broad of array of disciplines; such as Law, Physics, Astronomy, Health and Physical Education, Business and Commerce, Design and Engineering.Below is an example of potential workshops available to students.
OZGRAV: OzGrav exists to inspire the next generation of scientists to probe the frontiers of gravitational astronomy with research into gravitational waves, black holes and warped spacetime. Take your students on a virtual tour of the stars. Students collaborate to create a model of stellar evolution by collecting data from a virtual trip to nearby stars. Using the laws of physics and virtual reality, they’ll discover how stars change over time and what tools scientists use to study them.
DIGITAL ANATOMY LAB: Get an exclusive hands-on look at Swinburne’s Digital Anatomy Lab and explore a range of practical experiments using virtual reality and digital cadavers. These sessions will be tailored to students’ interests, and range from procedural tasks to looking deep into the human brain.
MOCK TRIAL: Find yourself in the center of a mock trial and experience the range of crucial and compelling roles to be found in the court room. Students will work together to create real-life trial experiences, drawing on previous cases and the guidance of our academic staff.
BIONIC HAND: When biology meets electronics, we get bionics; bionic ears, eyes, legs, hands. Explore medical engineering and its role in the design and creation of bionic limbs, discover how these fascinating devices operate, and create your own prototype of a bionic hand – then put it to the test.
INDUSTRIAL DESIGN CHALLENGE: DESIGN THE BOX The ‘Design the Box’ challenge engages students’ innovation and collaborative skills as they create the most compelling product and pitch it to their peers. Students will be equipped with industry tips and tricks to help them develop their ideas into something that can be sold - or even change the world we live in.
THE THING FROM THE FUTURE: Awaken your imagination with a game that challenges players to describe objects collaboratively and competitively from a range of alternative futures. Students will put their unique perspectives to use, and their peers will vote on the most thought-provoking and fascinating ideas from the group. This session can be extended to include lo-fi prototyping of these objects using paper or Lego.
40 FLOORS UP LAW GAME: In this card game of strategy, two to six plays plot, scheme, and locate evidence in a fictional law firm on the 40th floor of a skyscraper. Players compete to become the firm’s top lawyer. Play free via the Print & Play website or purchase as a classroom resource.
ASTROTOURS: Get your students on an AstroTour and they’ll learn about astronomy from a professional astronomer and our virtual reality technologies, developed by Swinburne’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing. Each student will be loaned a pair of 3D glasses for a fully immersive session. Your AstroTour guide will discuss the life and death of stars through the 3D movies Our Sun and AfterStars, and focus broadly on stars, galaxies and cosmology.
When: Tuesday 20th June, 2023 (Last week of Term 2)
Location: Swinburne University - Hawthorn campus
Travel: Bus will be arranged to take students from Highvale to Swinburne at back. Please meet at Troy street bus bay at 8.30am. Bus will leave at 8.45am sharp. Bus will leave arrive back at Highvale at 2.45pm at the end of the day.
Costs: A small fee will apply to cover bus fare. This will be determined closer to event.
How to Participate:
This exclusive career and university experience is only available for Year 10 and 11 students who register to attend. Places are limited so registration is essential. To register your interest please consent to the compass event ‘Swinburne Excursion’ by 4pm, Friday 2nd June