Science & Digi Tech



The VRC is a worldwide event with teams from different schools forming red and blue "alliances" to compete in the current game of "Spin Up". 


The robots score by moving discs to their home goal, or by the risky move of shooting discs into the basket above their opponent's goal. 


Points can also be scored by moving coloured rollers and expanding your robot in the last 15 seconds of the match to cover as many tiles on the field as possible! As you can see below, it can be pretty hectic!


Thornbury High School had two teams competing in their very first VRC. Team A members Declan, Nicole, Anthony and Oscar, surprised even themselves by making it to the finals! They also picked up the Top Rookie of 2023 award! 


Some other highlights from the day were Team B's robot still managing to compete after being tipped over - a first in the VRC as far as the referee knew - and the manic modifications made between rounds.


Best on ground for the day were Nicole and Oscar.


Any students interested in competing in the new VRC year beginning after the June school holidays should contact Mr Baird.