Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

Holy Week

We started Holy Week on Palm Sunday. On Monday we started Holy Week at School and it was timely that we had our 'Fire Carrier' service. We made links regarding the suffering of Jesus and our Aboriginal people. Jesus teaches us to hold onto hope. We all have a responsibility towards healing. Our young leaders and fire carriers are the future.


School Advisory Group

We welcome Jess Salau to the group. Jess works in Childcare and will be a valued member of the group.

The Team consists of:

Cait Baker, Sath Saranathan, Fr Joe Taylor, Jess Salau, David Keenan, Bill Daunt, Kate Moroney, Tony McDonald, Donna Allen, Tijo Thomas and Karli Heggart. 

Remaining meetings for 2023 at 7:00pm

9th May, 13th June, 8th August, 10th October, 14th November


Community Group

We thank the Community Group for their ongoing support this term whether through fundraising or social opportunities and pastoral support. 

Some events for this term the community group have been involved in:

-second hand uniform

-Hello/Movie Night

-start of the year lunch

-Easter Raffle

-1st day Welcome

-Shrove Tuesday



School Fees

Thank you to all the families who have arranged payment or direct debits for the year. St Luke's provides a service like all other schools. We rely heavily on School Fees to support the ongoing education and support for your children. If you need to address pre 2023 school fees please contact the office and arrange payment or a direct debit plan. 



I thank the Community Group in advance. At the time of writing the newsletter (Wednesday) I could not add photos of the event. Those who won some goodies, enjoy!


Open Day

Share this date with anyone you know may be thinking of attending St. Luke's in 2024.

THURSDAY 4th May 9:30am.

RSVP link for the Open Day.

 Principal Professional Leave Program 

As mentioned in the last newsletter I will be on leave for Term 2, 2023.  

Tony McDonald will be acting Principal for Term 2. Donna Allen and Breanna Levesque will share the duties of DP with limited interruptions to Bre's role as Foundation teacher & Religious Education Leader.



After starting at St Luke's as an external contractor for 4 hrs per week in 2015, and joining staff in 2016, Frank York (maintenance) has decided it's time to retire. He finishes up today. We all know the things Frank did for each of us and I am really pleased that a lasting imprint he has left us, are the crosses he handcrafted for our school. 

Thanks, Frank, and all the best. 


We wish Meg Somers all the best. Meg has been an LSO at St. Luke's for two years. We thank her for her efforts with each class and her dedication to helping children with their learning.


Brooke Thompson (Creative Arts Specialist teacher) will leave in August for a two year contract in Dubai! Craig (husband) and Brooke will take up roles at the same school and we wish them all the best. 



Welcome Back

Karina Pigdon (Black) return at the beginning of next term. She will be working two days per week as a Plus 1 and in the area of Policy Connect.


We finish a wonderful first term of learning and hopefully growth in all aspects of life. The environment we come to each day supports our endeavours to learn and grow as people. 


I attended a funeral in NSW of a close friend today, so I apologise for not being present for the last day. Take care over the next couple of weeks and Happy Easter.


David Keenan



“Crack open a good book this Easter”

Upcoming Events until next Newsletter


6th - Holy Thursday, Stations of the Cross, 2:15 pm Finish

24th - Pupil Free Day - staff off-site

25th - ANZAC Day Public Holiday

26th - First day for students


1st - Catholic Education Week

2nd - Community Group Meeting 7:00pm

4th - Open Day 9:30am

5th - School Mass 9:15am Stadium, Grandparents in the classroom