Fabulous Foundation
Fabulous Foundation
Term 1 Week 2- Friday 5th May 2023
What a fabulous start to term two! The students have been so courageous and independent during our swimming program. We are all so proud of each and every student for finishing their first year of the school swimming program!
The students came back from the holiday break well rested and full of stories to tell! We have loved hearing all about the fabulous adventures you have all been on, from Luna park adventures, to relaxing in your pyjamas all day!
What we are learning:
Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy)
We have continued to begin each day with our phonics program. Before we learn more letters, we have been revisiting each letter that we learnt last term. Those were; a,s,f,c,p,i and c. We have been brainstorming all the different words that we know that start with each letter. For each letter, we have been chanting ‘ the letter is _, and the sound is _’, marching around the classroom as we chant!
In our writing lessons we are working on writing each letter within the dotted thirds. Ensuring that we don't write letters that are too big! We are also learning to write from left to right. Our writing lessons are helping us focus on the direction that we should write each letter.
We continue to have a weekly mentor text in reading. This week we read ‘The Relatives came’ by Cynthia Rylant. Each day we have a different focus, asking and answering questions, rhyming words, providing feedback and learning 3 new words for our word wall; relatives, travelling and hugging.
Leader In Me:
We have continuously been using 7 Habit language when we are in class and out in the yard. This weeks focus is habit 1: be proactive. We encourage students to be in charge of themselves and their own actions.
Specialist Days (starting week 3):
Monday - Health
Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music
Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE
Friday - Auslan
Important reminders
*Please continue to check the blue pouches nightly, as we use these to send notices home
*We are finding that some jumpers are being taken home with the wrong name on it. If you could please check your child's jumper to ensure it has their name on it, that would be fantastic!
*Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.
*Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time.
*Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.
Foundation Photos