Le Page Green Team 

Are you passionate about transforming our school into an eco-friendly, clean and sustainable place? Do you enjoy gardening, crafting with nature materials, recycling, and growing your own seeds and plants? Do you have a great idea how we could make our school a greener place for students, staff and wildlife? 


We hope to see you Wednesday!

Wonder Recycling Rewards


Do you want to help our planet by recycling soft plastics and get free sports equipment for our school along the way?? Of course you do…

We are very excited to announce that we will be again joining the Wonder Recycling Rewards Program in 2023. Last year, our soft plastic recycling raised enough points for us to get some free sports equipment for our wonderful school. Let’s see if we can get even more points this year and get even more free sports equipment.

The recycling program begins in Term 2, and we will have further information about the program over the coming weeks.


Remember to join us for Garden Club from 12.30pm on Mondays (2nd half of lunch) and for Green Team at lunch on Wednesdays! See you then



Have a great week!


Ms Kelli and Ms Anna