Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health/Library 

Specialist News 




Health / PE / Art / Culture

Due to the swimming program in weeks 1 and 2, myself and Mrs Bradley have been supporting classes with the swimming each day, and as a result, specialist classes for Health, PE, Art and Culture and not started for term 2. They will resume again in week 3.


Interschool Sports

This term, for the first time in over a decade Le Page will be entering multiple sports teams for our interschool sports program.

This is so exciting, and I can’t wait for all students to have a go. 

As a result of this, we will have students in grades 4, 5 and 6 involved in the term 2 sports, which include;

  • Mixed Soccer
  • Mixed and Girls Netball – 2 teams
  • Mixed and Girls Softball – 2 teams.


In week one students were put into their teams and we did some practise. This week in week 2 students will do another afternoon of practise before we have our first competition day against other schools next Friday morning 12th May between 9-11am.

Parents are welcome to come along and support their child during these events.


Kingston District Cross Country

On Tuesday 23rd May, a number of students from grade 3-6 have been invited to represent Le Page at the Kingston District Cross Country event against multiple schools.

It will be a fun/hard competitive day of running and we wish all of our students the best of luck for their event.


Jarrod Bradley

PE/Health/Sports Coordinator










Library Newsletter


Welcome back, everybody!

Lots will be happening this term in the library but first, another round of applause for our Reader Leaders for Term 1: Daniel C and Riley N both read 20 books last term and have therefore surpassed their peers and won the Reader Leader award. Keep borrowing and reading for your chance at winning this term!


We will be hosting our second ever Scholastic Book Fair in the library area at the end of May. Last year’s fair was a huge success and I hope to see a turnout as great as the one in December. The kids loved browsing through books, stationary items and posters and it was an all-round success. Keep your eyes out for more information on compass and in this newsletter. It will be pirate themed and there might even be a dress up day coming up…

For now, keep on reading and have a fantastic start to the term!