Careers & Pathways

Year 12 Students
‘Life After School: Broaden Your Horizons with Macquarie’.
At Macquarie, we’re building a better future – whether that’s supporting the green energy transition, helping sustain global food supplies, financing social housing projects, investing in essential infrastructure, or designing tomorrow’s technology solutions.
Macquarie has invited select schools to nominate three high performing students from their Year 12 cohorts for our exclusive event - ‘Life After School: Broaden Your Horizons with Macquarie’.
At this event, we hope to raise awareness of the diverse nature of careers within the banking and financial services industry, while encouraging junior talent to consider Macquarie as a future employer. We will also highlight the varied university degrees and career paths that can lead to a successful career at Macquarie.
Event Details
Date: Thursday, 8 June 2023
Time: 5:15pm arrival | 5:15pm to 7:30pm
Location: L36 South Tower, 80 Collins St, Melbourne
If any year 12 students are interested in the following event, can they please email and express your interest as soon as possible as we are only able to nominate THREE students.
Work Experience Week - Year 10s:
As previously communicated, the Year 10 Work Experience week is happening in Term 2, commencing Monday 19th of June until and including Friday 23rd of June.
All work experience placements must be finalised by no later than Friday 12th of May. For work experience to be finalised, students must submit the following to the Careers and Pathways Office:
- Completed Work Experience Arrangement forms (These forms have been given to students during a previous Assessement and Assembly Block). They can also be collected from the Careers and Pathways office, General Office or in the student's house office at school. A presentation which explains how to organise work experience can be found by accessing the link below, accessed through student gmail accounts.
- Printed Safe@Work Certificates. Two certificates are required to be completed. One General certificate as well as one Industry Specific certficate. Information on how to complete these safe@work certificates can be found by clickin the link to our Google Site (accessed through student gmail accounts)
Careers and Pathways - Required Forms & Safe@Work Certificates
All required forms and Safe@Work Certificates are due to the C&P Office by no later than Friday 12th of May, 2023 It is a legal requirement that all organised work experience programs complete the required arrangement forms. ALL forms must be completed and signed before the work experience |
It is important that students use their break to continue to contact potential employers. They can ask family members and friends also. We encourage students to come and speak with a member of the Careers and Pathways team if they have any questions.
The list of potential placements can be found on a job board (building B), Careers and Pathways Office. If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to visit the Careers Office.
Structured workplace Learning:
This is a reminder for our VCAL/VM/VPC students that you need to find a SWL placement.
Make calls and visit potential employers to secure your placement as soon as possible.
Students can collect Structured Workplace Learning forms from the Careers and Pathways Office.
Once your Structured Workplace Learning forms are completed, these must be returned to the Careers office. For any assistance, come and speak with Gabrielle Pino.
New Careers website is available!
This term we will be introducing students to our new Careers website. On our new Careers Website, you can find information about:
We encourage students to access Careers Website from the School Favourites on Compass.
Careers newsletter can be found on our Careers Website under the Important Information tab. If you have any questions either send us an email or drop into the Careers Office, which is located within the school library.
Career News will be distributed every fortnight with important information related to Career events and activities.