Yr 11 Poem

Quiet Soul


In a world that loves to chatter and speak

The quiet ones are often considered weak

Instead of seeing it as a super power

It’s often seen as super sour


Behind their soft-spoken demeanour

Lies a world of thoughts and dreams with infinite skies


Their voices may be faint and low

But their minds are rich with things to know

They see the world in a different light

Where solitude and silence are a source of might


So don’t underestimate the power of a quiet soul

For in their stillness they reach their goal


She’s a quiet one, don’t you see

She’s as quiet as the snow

But she’s bright as the morning glow

Some folks thing she’s sad and low

But she’s just comfortable on her own


She’s truly grown like a seed

Growing stronger in the soil, indeed

In her silence she can hear the beat

Of her heart, and feel complete


Books and music, her heart’s delight

Escape to the worlds beyond sight

Characters become her closest friends

A safe haven where she can transcend


Lost in the words, she takes flight

With every page, a new insight

Characters become alive

In her mind they thrive

Companions in her books, in her heart they survive


In a world that love to chatter and speak

Why are the quiet ones considered weak


She’s got her thoughts, her dreams, her fears

When she shares them it’s through her tears

But in her head, they’re free to roam

In a space where she can call them home


She’s not a butterfly, so bright and bold

Or a socialite with stories to be told

But she’s a quiet storm,

A force to be reckoned with

A force that finds peace in moments of stillness


So don’t feel sorry for her my friend

She’s happy in her introverted den

Quiet is her best friend


With her thoughts and her books

Her music and her dreams

She lives life on her own

In her own quiet stream


So don’t underestimate the power of a quiet soul

Because in the end they reach their goal


- Rose Teah