Yr 10  

Technical Literacy

50 word story

It is a skill to tell an entire story with such a restricted amount of words! 


Story 1

Bang! I smacked into the door! My teeth were grinding, I was shaking in terror! I was thirsty but there was no time to drink. Panicking, I ran at my full speed, towards the bus stop. After getting there, puffing, catching my breath. I realised I was five minutes early!!


- Anonymous

Story 2

The intense heat sent waves throughout the air. The hot liquid would bubble and burst, sending it’s sludge of decay to anywhere it could get to. Touching it would instantly burn you. It’s hard to imagine people had to work on it……Cooking Big Mac meat for the next Macca’s meal.


- Anonymous

Story 3

I was drifting, speeding, racing fast through the mud as I hit the rock. “OUCH!” I yelled from the ground. My mother ran towards me as blood poured out of my knees on both legs! I got up, weak in my knees and realising how stupid I was riding through the mud too fast!


- Anonymous

Story 4

Faster! Faster! The car zoomed to second place with less than 2 kilometres to go. It was neck and neck approaching a sharp turn. Changing gears he steered the wheels perfectly drifting around the turn, granting him first place! With 500 metres to go, the car coughed to a halt.


- Anonymous

Story 5

Mayday! Mayday! The nose of the plane was tilting dangerously!  I try to pull up, but it’s no use. I begin panicking. I’ve already lost one engine and I can feel the other slowing down. I crash into the ocean. Game over. That was a super fun and realistic game.


- Anonymous

Story 6

I tripped and fell on my face. I felt light-headed. A blinding light pierced my eyes, so I lifted my hands to block it, I felt the soft blankets around ne and the comfort of my pillow. I opened my eyes and realised it had all been a dream.


- Anonymous