Principal's Report

It is an absolute pleasure to have joined the Tarneit Senior College community this term as Acting Principal. I am a very proud member of the Western Suburbs having lived in Wyndham all of my life, growing up in Wyndham Vale before moving to Werribee and now living in Truganina just down the road. I love everything about this area - its rich cultural diversity, its history, the arts and the sports that inspires us, in a community we call home.
I am a proud member of government education in the Western Suburbs during my 20 years of teaching and believe that we strive to make every day a great day for each and every student.
I firstly want to thank Simon Haber for his outstanding work leading Tarneit Senior College over the past 4 years. He has created a community of inclusiveness and has inspired our students to achieve. I know it is with sadness that he has moved into a new college community and everyone here at Tarneit Senior College wishes him all the best with his new appointment as Foundation Principal of the newly announced Riverdale Secondary School (Interim Name).
I have been overwhelmed with the welcome provided by staff and students during this first week and have enjoyed coming to school every day to see the work that our staff are doing with the students and hearing about the positive impact being made in our classrooms. I am looking forward to working with each and every member of our community to get the best for our students. Finding their interests and their passions and providing a way for them to explore those passions and build a future career with them. I believe we have amazing future leaders and innovators in our community and that inspiring the next generation of Wyndham’s youth will provide further growth to our community.
I want to thank the Assistant Principal Team - Reardo, Angela, Stephen and Justine for their amazing work and leadership. They have been a source of knowledge, leadership and passion already in the first two weeks and I am truly grateful for their welcoming to the College. We truly have great leaders at the school who have a passion for our students and it was evident from day one. I also want to thank those amazing faces of our office staff. The moment you walk into our College you are greeted with warm, friendly smiles and a willingness to help and listen. It truly is a great reflection of our College that the wider community is greeted by them on a daily basis and their constant hard work is our ship’s engine room pushing the school along in an unseen way. And also want to thank our Teaching Staff and ES Staff - it is clear that they have a drive to help our students grow and learn. They are dedicated staff that I see collaborating with each other every day to lead our students and support them in achieving success each day.
I look forward to working with everyone in the College community this term as we look towards strengthening everything that has been improved over the past couple of years. I am excited to start this journey with you.
Kind Regards
Shane Cole-Hayhow
Building Works Commence
We are excited that the building works have commenced on site for our Stage 3 build. This build will see improvements and new buildings in 3 main areas:
- Technology - a new technology room which will provide us the ability to offer Woodwork and other similar technology subjects
- Two extra science rooms - these will fit out 2 existing rooms into full science laboratories raising our total number to 4
- Extension to Chirnside Building - this will provide an extension to the existing Chirnside building and a range of classrooms and office spaces
With this build now commencing in full we remind our parents and students that they should be careful around the build site when on school grounds or in the school car park.
Parents are reminded that they need to keep the area outside of the gate on the service road clear at all times and parking there is prohibited. We also wish to provide notice that the foundation concrete slab for our Chirnside extension is scheduled to be poured over the next 2 weeks. This may cause some minor traffic congestion and please be aware of any traffic management in place during those times.
We will continue to update everyone on the progress of the build and let our community know if there will be any disruptions to access to the school. We look forward to sharing the progress through our newsletters over the remainder of the year!
It was wonderful to see so many of our staff and students involved in this year’s Athletics Day. Despite the cold weather, we had a lot of students participating and representing their houses. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the fun everyone was having out on the track and also in the stands supporting their peers and genuinely enjoying the day.
Uniform Expectations
Our uniform is a very important part of the image we project of our college community and therefore we expect all students to wear their uniform correctly and with pride to, from and at school. I would like to congratulate the vast majority of students who continue the year in a positive way in the wearing of the correct College uniform and I thank all parents for your support with this. A reminder that all students should be wearing fully black school shoes.
· Students are not permitted to wear Hoodies or any other non-uniform items.
· Headwear should be aligned with the school colours – black, white or navy blue