
What's new in Maths?
It's a busy time of year in the Maths department. Students are adjusting to a new style of lesson, in which they are being given more responsibility over their learning growth. There has been a big focus on learning intentions and choosing tasks that are specifically designed to suit their self-identified level of need. All teachers have been really impressed to see students challenging themselves to attempt difficult problems that encourage them to think more deeply. Students are enjoying working together, and hearing less of their teachers' voices!
In year 7, students have been studying Data and Statistics. They have been involved in many different activities, designing and conducting their own surveys, and learning different ways to display their collected data.
In preparation for the start of our Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years Program, students in years 7 and 8 have been hard at work completing a detailed assessment, which will help teachers identify students' individual learning area framework (which includes key strategies they use to solve questions). As of week 6, students will then work once a week on tasks specifically designed to target their individual learning needs.