Principals Report

Teaching and Learning.
It has been a very smooth start to the academic year. The majority of the students have been well equipped for school with all their materials and correct school uniform. The College began with the first curriculum day facilitated by Educational Consultant, Lee Watanabee. Lee focused on how to make small shifts in teaching practice that enable the student’s to have more agency in the classroom. This may involve designing the learning tasks; choosing the tasks; co-creating assessment rubrics and developing success criteria. Lee sets the College homework in relation to our practice which we continue as part of our professional learning communities. He also coaches the leadership team when needed via video-conferencing.
Both Maths Consultant, Rob Park and School Wide Positive Behaviour consultant – Louise O’Kelly have also begun work this term with teaching staff. Rob has been working with the Maths/Science team on setting up reciprocal teaching practices in Year 9 Maths and up-skilling new teachers to the College in understanding the scaffolding numeracy framework in supporting students improve their Mathematic skills.
Positive Climate for Learning.
Attendance Tracking.
The College has increased it’s tracking of attendance as in line with our Attendance Guidelines. This continues to be a challenge across all year levels. The Leadership have placed many calls home to families in regards to attendance and late to school. I can only keep stressing to all families the importance of school attendance. We have highlighted how important 90% or more attendance is for students in a separate section in this newsletter.
First House Athletics Day.
It was a very proud moment for me as the College's foundation Principal to arrive at Meadow Glen athletics track to see all the students competing in the range of House and athletic activities. We have many talented and fit athletes. Most importantly, many students had fun and gave the events a go. Our students reflected our school values of "respect all" and "Look to Inspire yourself and others." I spoke to the canteen volunteers at the end of the day and they commented the ECSC students were very respectful and well-mannered throughout the day.
School Wide Positive Behaviours.
The College has made excellent progress in developing the behaviour matrix and communicating this to our school community. The matrix sets out clearly the College's values and behaviour expectations. As the College continues to work with Louise O’Kelly (educational consultant) the Middle School Team and SWPB working group will also begin to consider rewards and a formal acknowledgement system that will encourage the students to continue to do their best.
The College has successfully appointed teachers to the following positions in the final weeks of school 2019:
PE/Maths – George Conway
Media/English - Shane Edge
Visual Arts/Visual communications – Jessica Crowley
Integration Aid – Luke Miranda
Staffing across the state will continue to be a focus with the College planning to begin recruitment for 2021 yet again in July. We are currently at 54 staff (12 Education support in varying roles). As staff also begin to go on family leave there will be changes and recruitment to accommodate this.
Joanne Camozzato
February 2020