In science this year, we have focused on improving our practical skills by moving away from tests and towards more hands on learning. This change has been implemented at all year levels.
To understand how students are feeling about the change I interviewed 2 students, Heifa Zeki and Ruqaia Mohammed.
How is Science Compared to Last Year?
Compared to last year, Science has improved… This year the Science work that teachers provide us with is intriguing and students want to learn because they enjoy it.
What are you looking forward to?
Students this year are looking forward to dissecting organs in science. They are also looking forward to excursions and learning about energy transformations in a practical way.
What are you currently learning?
In year 8 science we were learning about plant and animal cells, and the inside structure of a cell. Students got to use microscopes and discover how cells looked like. Students enjoyed learning about this topic because the assessments were planned to be entertaining and very practical. A pair of students showed what they learned in science by creating an informative rap song, which they then performed to their class. Currently, we are learning about the heart blood flow and will be dissecting a heart soon.
We are looking forward to seeing how this new style of learning and assessment improves student growth.
Coming soon.... Year 9 excursion to ScienceWorks (Consent on Compass!!)