Keeping you in the loop

Library Visits

This week our children have been involved in experiencing the Library at Good Shepherd for the first time.  For our Orange group, we have been putting on our yellow vests and walking over to meet Mrs Janetzki the Library teacher.  We have met some new friends in the office at the school and have enjoyed exploring all the wonderful books.  Your child will have a tag on their folder to assist you in remembering what day they need to bring it back so that they can borrow a new adventure. 

We take great care of our special books, so if the folder does not come to Curiosity then we are not able to send books home.  Library folders can be found on our entry table in a crate so please assist your child in collecting their folders at the end of the day.  If your child has not brought their folder to Curiosity yet, please hand it into Mrs Gliddon so that a tag can be placed on it and the borrowing fun can begin.  Thanks.

Green Team and Orange Team

Essentially our children are designated to two groups; the Green Team being our 3 year old who Mrs Karen leads and the Orange Team with our 4 year old friends which Mrs Gliddon and Mrs Chew lead.  Throughout the day we move into these groups and then come back together for focussed project group time and explorative play.  As of next week, we would ask that you assist your child in putting their lunchbox and drink bottle in the Green or Orange Team esky and drink trolley so that we can locate them with greater ease.  The food that is coming in your children's lunchboxes look absolutely amazing, so thank you for taking the time to arrange such lovely healthy options for your child.  We do remind all families that only water is to be provided in drink bottles please.  Thank you for your assistance in this area.

Sleeping Linen

We have created a lovely routine for rest and relaxation within the ELC now and are enjoying seeing our friends take the time to recharge ready to get onto exploring.  There have been many children asking for a rest who do not have any linen.  We ask that you send a sheet and light blanket for your child if you know that this is an area of care they need to access.  All items must be clearly labelled in a bag that allows us to store and collect your child's items quickly and efficiently please.