school council

welcome back - term 2


The warmest of welcomes back to Term 2, and could we find ourselves in more interesting times than these?


In the last week of school holidays School Council and the Communications Working Party met via Zoom with the BNW leadership team. At these meetings we were able to hear more about the plans to deliver remote learning, planning for those who needed to attend school and how all this was going to be communicated with the community.


Between School Council and the Communications Working Party we were able to offer some advice and thoughts around communication, what tools were best to be made available for kids and parents, and how the Department was supporting the school. Equally we were able to offer our expressions of support to the teaching, office and leadership teams who are working under very trying circumstances.


Over the start of Term 2 School Council and the leadership team will be looking for each sub-committee to communicate with the school community on what they are doing for the term and what changes there will be to their program. For example, with most kids at home the OSHC service has changed significantly. The Community Events Team need to consider how they move from fundraising activities to community building activities and what that timeline looks like. The Finance Committee have a lot of work to do around re-cutting budgets and how best to support the ongoing operations of the school. The Buildings & Grounds team are working with the leadership team on how the schools facilities and amenities are maintained when much of the school is not operating as usual. The Curriculum Committee are going to examine more deeply how to deliver educational outcomes via remote learning and seeking feedback from parents and kids. And of course, the Wellness & Engagement Committee have a huge opportunity before them in helping us all through this unique time.


At School Council we are so keen to receive your feedback on how you are finding remote learning or learning at school. We are mindful that everyone is feeling their way through how best to deliver an enjoyable and nourishing experience for our kids. We don’t expect everything to be perfect on day 1, we do expect there will be much trial and error in what works best for everyone. The only way we and the leadership team can tweak the delivery of educational services is with your feedback, so please do let us know.


Please reach out if you need to speak to someone. There are several methods to contact the school (check out the website for information), you are welcome to send an email to School Council (, there is the Facebook parents user group (BNW Community) or you can always call me if you want to chat (0412 375 061).


Please take care, please look after yourselves and please look after those around you. Our thoughts are with everyone.


Yours sincerely


Sam Cohen

School Council President
