Parents & Friends


On behalf of the Huntingtower P&F, welcome to all new families and students !  A heartfelt welcome back to our continuing members – we look forward to another busy and productive year working for the benefit of the school (and to making new friendships).

Honour Boards

Over the summer break, the P&F electronic honour boards were installed in the foyer of the PAC.  This initiative was the result of funds raised by the 2018 HT Fete and was an installation that our former principal, Mr Bowen, nominated as his legacy project.  The new honour boards comprise four monitors in a prominent position on the foyer wall and will be used to present scrolling content such as school messages and history.  The P&F thanks all of those who worked to bring this concept to reality, including Mr Kitchingman who oversaw the installation and our P&F member, Kath Whaler, who connected us with the monitor supplier.  The result is magnificent – be sure to take a close look when next in the PAC!


Year 7 students in front of the new Honour Boards in the PAC
Year 7 students in front of the new Honour Boards in the PAC

HT Fete Saturday 7 November

Believe it or not , 2020 is another Huntingtower Fete year!  We are already gearing up because it's the biggest event on our HT calendar.  Save the date –  Saturday, November 7! The fete will be a highlight of 2020 and  involve the entire school and all of the HT community; we're hoping to replicate the success of our Fete 2018! Please join us and help us work towards creating another memorable day that is famous for its fantastic community spirit.  The P&F has already formed a Fete Committee; the work starts now!  We would love you to be involved in any capacity.  Watch this space for further news.



Are you curious about the 'behind the scenes activities' that go on with the P&F?  Our committee members are the public face of the P&F but we represent the entire parent group and try to help deepen the sense of community throughout Huntingtower – students, parents and staff alike.  The AGM is our 'official' start to the year and a vital meeting where we set our course for the year ahead.  In addition to committee members, the Heads of School and our Class Representatives will be present.  We will also be holding elections of office bearers.  All are welcome to attend; we extend a warm invitation to our entire parent community. 

The AGM will be held on Thursday, March 5 at 7.30 pm in the Senior School Library.


Class Representatives

The P&F is appealing for some new Class Representative candidates for 2020.  Most positions have been filled but we require parent representatives for Years 7 and 9.  This role is not onerous and is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with the other parents in your child’s year level.  Please consider becoming involved in this rewarding role.  If you are interested or keen to know more, please inquire by email to parentsandfriends1@outlookcom.  It would be wonderful to have these positions filled by the time of our AGM so that the year can then start in earnest.

Welcome Picnic

In extending our warmest of welcomes to new and returning families, we also invite all families and friends in the Junior and Senior School to attend the P&F’s Welcome Picnic.  Held in the grassy quadrangle behind the PAC, there will be a sausage sizzle and entertainment from the school community.  Save the date – Friday, February 21 from 6 pm.  Bring a picnic blanket and folding chairs or take a seat on the grass and enjoy a relaxed evening among friends.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Trivia Night

The P&F’s final event for 2019 was our Trivia Night, held in place of HT Fete which is now a biennial (every 2nd year) event.  Hosted in the MYC, our 'Through the Decades' trivia night hosted well over 100 guests from the HT parent, friend and staff communities.  The night was ably hosted by our MC Mr Davies and supported by our Year 9 baristas and student helpers.  It was a wonderful night which celebrated the true spirit of friendship that runs through Huntingtower. It also highlighted the good, bad and ugly of fashion from the 1960's – 1990's!  Thank you to all who attended and helped make this an incredible success.  Profits raised from the evening will be returned to the school through P&F initiatives in 2020.