Parents and Friends


Any comments or questions or to be added to our emailing list: 



President:  Belinda Isted   Vice President: Tona O’Connor

Treasurer:  Di Marinou        Secretary:           Melissa Denbrok

P & F Board Rep: Julia Bowler

Canteen:  2019 Deb Carmody.   2020 Co-ordinator needed.  

Uniform Coordinators:  Amanda Johnson and Melissa Denbrok

Meals On Wheels: Ellen Wilson - please contact the school if you would like to go on the roster for     

                                                                  MOW's.  We would love more helpers to add to our list.

IGA Co-ordinator:  Tanya Privitera 

Book Club:  Tamara Treacy


P & F email list:  At the end of 2019 the current emailing list will be deleted.  If you are on the list this year, committee member or not,  you will need to re request to be on the mailing list for 2020.  New or existing families, if you would like to be sent the minutes meetings or to be on the P & F 2020 emailing list please send a request on .  



Please note the change of time -  9am NOT 9:30am

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  Children are more that welcome. You may want to know more about or to be involved in the P & F or even consider a position on the committee.  This is a great morning to mingle and to have a cuppa and chat to other parents, some who are on the committee or to those wonderful volunteers who just like to help out rather than take on a position.  There is absolutely no pressure on you to take a position if you stay for the AGM meeting afterwards.  The morning is to say thank you to everyone who helped this year and to any new parents.   Any help we receive is always so gratefully accepted.  


We are looking for 6 parents to assist with making popcorn,  bagging the popcorn for the cinema and for the Christmas market.  To get into the spirit of the day parents encouraged to dress up or wear something French inspired if you feel you can.  Please email us if you can help on


The adventure lap-a-thon is on again!!!  It is an awesome day that children love and look forward to it each year.   It will be held on November 11th.   


The course will be within the school grounds and will include fun obstacles and activities to challenge our children whilst still enjoying some fun healthy activities. The course will be modified throughout the day to make sure the challenges are age appropriate. The lap-a-thon serves as a fundraiser for St Laurence and students will be given a donation sheet where they can source sponsorship for the number of laps they run on the day.

Program for the day:

Grade Prep, 1 and 2: 11:35am – 11:55am

Grade 3 and 4: 12:10pm – 12:30pm

Grade 5 and 6: 12:45pm – 1:05pm


Award categories this year:

  • Sportsmanship award – a display of sportsmanship shown by a participant towards someone or others, who may need encouragement - one award per junior, middle and senior department.
  • Most laps per class – Junior, Middle and Senior classes will have their laps tallied and collated to award a ‘winner’ for the most laps ran per school section.
  • Most amount raised per class – an award for the class that raises the most funds across the entire school.

Air popped popcorn will be available on the day by the P & F.  Plain popcorn will also be available.  If you have any concerns please contact us on the email below.


HELPERS NEEDED : This event relies solely on volunteers. Helping will involve manning stations around the course encouraging children and keeping an eye out for anyone that may need assistance. We ask anyone that can help out on the day (even 2 hours) from between 11:00am – 1:30pm email their availability to – any help will be greatly appreciated.  You must have a current WWCC and the office will require a copy of your card if they do not already have one on file.  


SPONSORSHIP PAYMENTS TO BE MADE VIA CDFpay:  Sponsorship will be run differently this year.  Your child will receive a sponsorship form, but you will need to make the total payment of the sponsorship raised for your child or for each of your children, via CDF pay.  There will be a return date for the sponsorship form but please note that we will not be accepting cash.  Forms will be checked against payments made via CDFpay to work out the prizes.


We will hold an end of year picnic on the  last day of school (Wednesday 16th December) from 3:15 – 5pm. Everyone is invited to enjoy the last day of the students school year.  Families will need to bring a picnic, snacks, drinks, coffee, cake or whatever you wish to have.There will be a Brass Band playing to entertain us and exciting news......Santa may even be able to to take time out of his busy schedule to pop in for a visit?  We will know more about this soon.   

BUSHWAZEE IN 2020 May 8th - save the date

We have booked Bushwazee to come to school on Friday 8th May, 2020 9:00am -7:00pm.  This is a great day for the children and a fantastic evening for families.  More details closer to the date.