Dear Parents and Guardians,

The Device Age and Generation


Our children are the first generation that have grown up with devices at fingertips. They have swiped, touched, flicked and viewed before coming into school. Research is showing that the screen and the cleverly programmed games, websites and social media gives an immediate response in production of dopamine (the pleasure drug). Thus we all enjoy using screens as it reinforces its own use. 


As adults we can assess whether the use of a device is impacting our lives and can actively choose to reduce or limit the use. Most children have not yet developed this capacity for delay of self gratification or the ability to use self-control.

Our role as parents and guardians is to assist children in developing life affirming patterns. These can be simple but effective such as:


- giving all family members screen time limits - yes including ourselves!

- having a no device screen time (except a little TV) after 7pm

- ensure no devices in the bedroom (again for us too - a cheap clock radio works best as an alarm)

- setting family agreements about device use at tables or during family conversation


We are pioneering in this parenting space.  Devices and inter-connectivity are part and parcel of our children's lives. This can be both positive and negative. Psychologists are strongly suggesting that 7pm is a reasonable off device time for primary aged children (under 13 years old). This has two benefits: physiologically where the body can reset from the blue screen effect on neural over stimulation which prevents sleep and possibly more importantly psychologically. When children have the time to settle off the input of  a device they can then begin to process their experiences of the day, they can reflect, wonder, ask and clarify to then let down ready for sleep. This is a critical time for listening to your child and being aware of their dramas and worries. Few parents will be surprised by this - all have had a child suddenly want to raise a problem or concern right as they are being put to bed. This is a normal response and some forward planning about beginning the bedtime routines earlier may assist in supporting a child needing some comfort and sound-boarding before sleep.



11.30am - 1.30pm.  Children can wear comfortable clothes and shoes, bring lunch to eat and a hat to wear at play.  The days are as follows:


#3 Tuesday Nov 12th – P & F and uniform shop available

#4 Tuesday Nov 26th