Leadership and Management

Innovation Grant
Each year Catholic schools across the various Dioceses are encouraged to apply for Catholic Leadership Innovation Grants offered by Catholic Education Melbourne. The Catholic Leadership Innovation program has the following goals:
-to share innovative practice which reflects the vision of education articulated in our education framework Horizons of Hope
-to nurture and encourage emerging leaders to build their capacity for leadership in a Catholic school
-to make links between innovative practice and the research which informs it.
The successful applicants receive up to $5000.
This year, thanks to our STEAM leaders Brighid Fahy and Holly Evans, we have been successful in obtaining a grant for $5000. Their application was linked to the Sustainability project in Term 2 which aimed to create an awareness in our community about the history and appreciation of our land and how to take care of our environment. The application also referenced the purpose for the Sustainability Market, to help raise funds for a Kitchen Garden.
This grant will assist us in transforming underused garden beds in the school by planting produce that students can use for cooking during STEAM lessons or to give to our local parish Sts Peter and Pauls', who cook for the needy everyday. Students would learn how to plant, care and harvest the produce with the help of teachers and parents. The grant would also assist with the purchase of tools needed for gardening, installation of a drip watering system and installation of solar panels to create a STEAM Learning Centre.
We thank Brighid and Holly for their enthusiasm and dedication in this area and comprehensive application, and for seeing the need to be more sustainable at Galilee.