Principal's Report

Dear Families,
The beginning of the year is an important time for the development of relationships. We have held an information night, welcome picnic, Meet The Teacher and school camps. Our Year 6 students are due back tomorrow from an educational trip to Canberra. Teachers are working hard to develop relationships with the students, parents and their colleagues. When students feel safe and secure, they are likely to exhibit greater growth in their learning. School camps (except Years 2 & 3) for Years 4-6 are intentionally planned for Term One as they accelerate the rapport-building between students and staff. Relationships between staff add to the culture and flows through to a better learning environment for the students. The staff are spending two days (one night) at the RACV Club in Healesville on March 7 & 8. During this time they will be learning about: Smart Spelling (a new program for 2019), Learning Sprints (encourages professional growth of how teachers teach) and Religious Education Reporting (I Can Statements). It is also designed to create stronger professional and collaborative relationships between the staff. All of our initiatives link to increasing the academic learning of our students. We are relying upon the parents to also work on creating links with one another. We have several successful teams in 2019 such as: School Education Board, Parents Association, Dads Association (DOGs), Family Liaison, Parent Helpers etc. Unfortunately we are yet to fill all of the Parent Representative roles for 2019. These roles are critical for creating links with teachers and families. Has your year level organised a social function yet? If not, the remainder of Term One is critical time for you to get to know one another. A connected parent-community is one constant that is prevalent in all successful schools.
Classroom Helper/Number Intervention Courses
There are two scheduled dates for a Classroom Helper Course: Wednesday March 6 at 9-10am and Thursday March 14 at 9-10am. Information has been communicated via CareMonkey this week.
The session will focus on basic Classroom Helper information and protocols. If you would like to work in the classroom focussing on Mathematics (Number Intervention), training sessions will be held from 10-11am on the dates above.
If you have already completed the Classroom Helper Course in a previous year, and would like to learn about Number Intervention, please email Jane Ferris at to indicate your preferred day.
If you would like to work with students in the classroom, you must complete only one of the sessions. Please indicate the preferred date when replying on CareMonkey.
If you have already completed the Classroom Helper Course in a previous year, you do not need to attend a session.
If you have any questions about the Classroom Helper Course please contact Laura Cox at
Evacuation Drill
Yesterday we conducted an emergency evacuation training drill. The scenario was water pouring from the ceiling in a classroom on level 1. Emergency evacuation and lock down training drills are mandatory for schools and assist staff and students to know their roles and responsibilities in an emergency situation in accordance with the school's plans and procedures. An emergency training drill will occur each term. Thank you to Carmen Carnovale (OHS Leader) for coordinating the drills.
Grief, Separation, Change and Loss Programme
If you would like your child to be a part of our Grief, Separation, Change and Loss Programme, please email Mrs Ferris at I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Social Media
It has come to our attention that some students have talked about a social media danger called MOMO.
For those of you who may not be aware, 'Momo' is a scary looking woman with contorted features and a bird mouth who is said to have evil supernatural powers. Cyber predators contact children through apps such as 'WhatsApp' or text messages instructing them to harm themselves. If children don’t provide photographic evidence of them performing Momo’s tasks they are told that 'Momo' will do bad things to them or their family.
There have been numerous reported cases of 'Momo' contacting children in other countries, as recently as last week in the United States. To date there are no reported contacts of children in Australia. However, some children in Australia have been exposed to the scary photos, stories, and YouTube videos and have been traumatised by the thought of 'Momo' possessing or harming them or their loved ones. Parents are asked to closely monitor their child's use of computer devices and talk them of the risks.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
My name is Orlando I and on Monday 18th February most of the SRC people had their first meeting. We met each other in Miss Coome’s class and talked about the jobs we would do this year.
Mr. Millar came in and wished us luck with our new jobs and we talked about continuing Nude Food Day. Over the next two weeks the SRC representatives will be talking to classes and surveying them about the projects they want the SRC to carry out this year.
I’m proud to be working with the SRC for the next 6 months and I hope we can make Galilee a safer and better school for everyone.
Orlando I (4G)
School Leaders
Congratulations to the SRC and Social Justice Leaders who have been voted in to lead their class. The SRC Reps will take on the role for Semester 1 and new SRC Reps will be voted in for Semester 2. This provides an opportunity for more students to be involved in the SRC and contribute to decision-making for the school. Social Justice Reps will have their role for the year as they do not meet as regularly.
SRC Class Reps
Year 1C - Peter R
Year 1F - Anabelle C
Year 2B - Esmee M
Year 2C - Christian K
Year 3L - Emma S
Year 3M - Laura W
Year 4C - Paloma E
Year 4G - Orlando I
Year 5B - Daniel G
Year 5R - Anabel I
Year 6B - Abigail L
Year 6F - Isabel G
Social Justice Reps
Year 1C - Lian O
Year 1F - Ava S
Year 2B - Samuel M
Year 2C - Ava V
Year 3L - Bridget S
Year 3M - Hamish S
Year 4C - Rosa J
Year 4G - James S
Year 5B - John-Paul S
Year 5R - Charles K
Year 6B - Angus M
Year 6F - Kaavya K
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee RCPS