Music - Week 5

Open Day

The College’s annual Open Day will feature performances by a number of talented ensembles. The Senior Guitar Ensemble, Senior String Quintet, Swing Band and Senior Clarinet and Saxophone Ensembles will perform at the Registration Tent and in the Library Courtyard between 9:00am and 11:30am – everyone is welcome to stay and listen!

Twilight Recital

The first solo performance opportunity of the year is on the horizon! On Wednesday 27 March the Twilight Recital will be held in the GBLT from 7:00pm – 8:00pm, featuring soloists from Pre-Primary to Year 12. Entry forms can be obtained through the Music Office and instrumental tutors. We encourage students of all ages and experiences to perform!

Music Tour

A reminder that Consent/Medical forms for Music Tour are due today. Any students who have not completed and returned these forms and their rooming preferences must contact the Music Office on Monday morning. All instruments must be weighed and measured!