Principal's Report

Welcome back.


It was great to see and hear the College come back to life last week as staff and students returned from the break. From the level of enthusiastic conversation around the College one could only deduce that most people have had the opportunity to rest up and recharge themselves for the second semester.


I hope that all families took the opportunity during the break to read their students’ reports and discuss the information they contained. These reports should be used to reflect on the conscientiousness that students brought to their studies and what steps can be taken this semester to bring about improvement. From the advice given by teachers, each student should be able to identify a number of practical steps that they can take to help them to achieve their learning goals. College staff will certainly be working hard to help students to achieve those goals.


Together we achieve much in our College and I am looking forward to a successful second half of 2019.



A child was having difficulty lifting a heavy stone. He tried and tried but couldn’t budge it. One of his parents came past and noticed the difficulty he was having.


The boy was asked, “Are you using all your strength?”

“Yes, of course I am,” the little boy replied indignantly.


“No, you are not,” he was answered. “I am right here just waiting, and you haven’t asked me to help you.”


Everyone has a support group made up of family, friends, workmates and teachers.

That support group is there to help – and many are just waiting to be asked.


Using all your strength means calling on members of your personal support group to help you through the challenges of life.


On our own we can find it hard to lift a stone; with the help of our support group we can move mountains.


Exciting times.


Planning for the future is rapidly gaining momentum. At the end of next week Sr. Louise Cleary, chairperson of the Kildare Education Ministries Board will be announcing the location of the land that the College is in the process of purchasing for our new Year 7 – 9 campus. All families and stakeholders will receive this news via Care Monkey, social media and traditional media immediately following its official release.


Planning for the refurbishment of the Dickson St. campus is well underway too. The proposed Master Plan for this site is currently being reviewed by the Kildare Education Ministries Board and we hope to be making that available to everyone soon as well.

An information session is planned for families and other stakeholders for Monday 12 August at 6pm. Invitations will be issued soon.


In amongst all this bustle for the long-term future of our College, teachers, carers and students will also begin the subject selection process as part of planning for the 2020 academic year, whilst continuing to maintain a high level of commitment to personal excellence whilst getting through this year’s work


I would encourage all students to read the Teamwork story from the point of view of how they can help each other with their schoolwork. Teachers, parents and students are in a unique partnership aimed at enabling each and every student to do his or her best work; work that will be of a very high quality if we all work together to assist one another.


In the midst of all our daily hustle and bustle let’s not forget the most important member of our personal support group.


Make the most of daily prayer, Jesus is always in there supporting us.


With best wishes for Term 3.


God bless


Michael Delaney
