English Domain

Melbourne Writers Festival

Recently some of our best student writers visited the Melbourne Writers Festival at The Wheeler Centre.

They got the opportunity to ask some of the best authors of young Australian fiction some questions about being a professional writer and how to develop interesting characters. The State Library of Victoria also made an inspiring prompt for exciting creative writing.


Purchase a copy of 'The Strange Coincidence' by The Literacy Llamas or 'Chest Hair: The Fluffening' by Alpha and Omega using the following link and we'll make sure there is a copy available at the Front Office for only $5: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLScl7-LysoqY4G6U-A…/viewform

Both books are the result of hard work by HPSC students during the 'Write a Book in a Day' event.

All funds raised go to The Kids Cancer Project!