Health and Wellness

Organizing for Health and Wellness

As educators we tend to take care of  everyone else and put our needs aside.  It is very important at this time to take care of yourself. These tips came from the article, “Self-Care for Educators Working From Home”.  To read the full article please go to, click on the safety corner, then click on COVID-19 related documents or click here. Here are some suggestions to keep you healthy both physically and mentally. 


Keep Routines

Go to bed at the same time every night

Make sure you take breaks 

Find a balance with work.  Only check your work emails during work hours.  If you have class apps on your phone, put them on quiet hours so you don’t receive messages at all times during the day.


Stay Connected

Schedule a phone call or video chat with a family member or friend

Create a virtual game night with friends and family


Practice Self Care

Sitting for extended periods of time is unhealthy.  Be sure to take breaks every hour to stretch and walk around.  Some great Yoga positions for your lower back are upward facing dog, cat/cows, child's pose, ragdoll, and seated twist.

Practice your breathing 

Read a book

Listen to music

Rediscover an old hobby or start a new one


However you choose to do self care is up to you!  Please make sure to carve out a time for yourself daily.