Senior School News

Term 2 in review
Term 2 is often considered the busiest term of the year. Certainly the VCE students have been involved in many activities and also have completed many assessments.
On Sunday 27 April the annual VCE Ball was held. The students and the teachers who attended enjoyed an evening of dancing and feasting.
There were senior sports events, music evenings, incursions and the House Music Competition to prepare for and at the same time students were preparing for assessments, SACs and exams. One of the assessments was the General Achievement Test (GAT), an external assessment that all students studying Unit 3 subject must complete. There were approximately 340 MGSC students sitting the GAT this year.
Year 11 and 12 students are generally coping well in this high stress period. The student managers have been including wellbeing advice in the year level assemblies. Students have been given strategies to help in their organisation and also advice to include exercise and meditation into their routine.
Students are encouraged to carefully consider how they will approach the upcoming mid year break. They have been advised to plan their days firstly by considering what appointments and work commitments they have and then a study routine that closely follows their school routine. Student should plan breaks with rewards that include relaxing and healthy activities.
Ms Sylvia Christopoulos
Director of Senior School