College Matters

End of term 2 - Friday 29 June
Locker clean out arrangements
As is the usual practice, our locker areas are sprayed for ants during the school holidays. Lockers will need to be moved for this purpose. Can all students empty their lockers by the last day of term, including food and drink items. Additional bins will be placed in the corridors during the last week of term.
Bell times - There is no period 4 class
8.30am - Students may enter buildings
8.50am to 10.05am - Period 1
10.05am to 10.45am - Recess
10.50am to 12.05pm - Period 2
12.05pm to 12.55pm - Lunch
1.00pm to 2.15pm - Period 3
Ms Carol Duggan & Ms Bronwyn Moline
Assistant Principals