Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Families

The winter solstice has signalled the mid-point of the year and we can now celebrate the accomplishments of semester 1 and look forward to all that comes our way in semester 2.  Most recently we have held a number of events that leave students on a high note.  I was impressed by the collective and diverse talents of our students at the recent Music Soiree. It was an outstanding evening and I would like to acknowledge the leadership of Mr Tim Veevers, our Director of Performing Arts and the instrumental music staff of the college in their guidance of the students who performed on the evening.  We also say farewell to a long standing instrumental music teacher, Ms Viv Tate who has worked in the education sector for over 30 years, many of them at our fine College.  We wish Viv all the best in her new adventure.


Our students in Years 9 to 12 have been undertaking exams or SACs over the past week and teachers have been working on the end of semester reports.


I thank Ms Janine Gollant and Ms Isabel De San Sinforiano for their organisation of the Year 8 camp as well as Ms Dolores Doran and Miss Amanda O’Hara for their organisation of the Year 9 camp.  I also acknowledge the many teachers who took time away from their families to attend camp and make this a memorable experience for all of the students.  Without their involvement, students would not have an opportunity to meet new friends and extend their confidence in a range of areas. These experiences will form vivid and fond memories for our students in years to come. 


We also hosted the Victorian Association of State Girls' Schools Year 8 Friendship day last Thursday where students from each of our member schools (Canterbury Girls’ College, Melbourne Girls’ College, Gilmore Girls’ College, Pascoe Vale Girls’ Secondary College and our College) came together to strengthen connections and be inspired by guest speakers.  Ms Wendy Harvey (Director of Girls’ Leadership & Engagement) and Ms Emma Milliken (SRC coordinator) co-ordinated the day and it was a resounding success.


We say farewell to Ms Jessica McKenzie, Ms Emma Milliken and Ms Vivienne Tate who are leaving our college.  I thank them for their positive contribution to the College during their time with us.


Term 3 will see us focus on our Strategic Review and we will be examining our Strategic Plan 2009-2012 to see what we have achieved to date and where we need to go in the future.  We will be seeking feedback from students and parents through forums and surveys. 


I wish everyone a safe and happy mid-term break and hope that the batteries are recharged on your return to the college.


Kind regards


Ms Linda Brown