Sport - Around the grounds

Pierre De Coubertin Award 2018
Every year at Mentone Girls' Secondary College the Pierre de Coubertin Award is given to a Year 12 student who demonstrates academic excellence and sporting prowess whilst exemplifying the Olympic values. In 2018 this prestigious award was given to Sarah Mathews for her dedicated and wholehearted effort for MGSC and Kenny House throughout her schooling. Along with Natasha Belleville, Katie Marquis and Ruby Crofts - Olympic Academy recipients - all four students represented Mentone at the MCG for the Olympic Academy.
Congratulations to Sarah, Natasha, Katie and Ruby for attending the Academy and for their efforts over their high school years.
SMR Cross Country
Congratulations to the 21 students from Years 7 to 12 who represented the College at the Southern Metropolitan Regional Cross Country event held on Monday 18 June. A great effort was shown by all runners with both Freya Brown finishing 3rd in her age group (12-13 year olds) and Millie Belleville finishing 2nd in her age group. Well done to all runners.
The State Cross Country event will be held on Thursday 19 July at Bundoora Park. Successful students will be notified shortly of further information as it comes to hand.
Student Achievement
Two days earlier Millie Belleville participated in the All Schools cross-country State Championships at Bundoora Park on Saturday 16 June. Her race consisted of 133 girls and she managed to place 9th in her age group (U17) and 19th overall in the race which included U17 and U18. Great work Millie! You can stop running now.
Ms Ilana Parker
College House and Carnivals Coordinator
Year 8 Badminton
The Year 8 Badminton was at MSAC and the bus was late getting us there but then we were late leaving. We had so much fun that we did not know when we were actually playing a "real" game as opposed to a practice game. Lily and Rosie from Year 10 were our coaches and helped us practise. We are really grateful that they came to join us on the day. The best part of the day was that we got to meet other students and schools, and most people were helpful and nice.
Wana Sornratanachai, ELC
Preliminary Finals - term 3
Next term Year 7, Year 8, Intermediate (Year 9 and 10) and Senior (Year 11 and 12) team are all playing netball at the regional preliminary finals, having dominated at the Beachside competition recently. There are 90 girls making up nine teams from all the year levels.
On 26 July the Intermediate soccer team and the Intermediate basketball team will compete in their regional finals. The Year 10 coaches were wonderful on the day and they put in many hours training the girls.
On Monday 24 July we have the Year 7 and 8 (Junior) and Intermediate football teams played off in the regional preliminary finals also. Again they won convincingly at the Beachside level.
The Year 10 coaches also did a superb job training both the football and soccer teams.
Should any team win the prelims, they will go onto the Southern Metro Regional finals. Good luck girls!
To see photos of all the sporting events, please visit the MGSC website and go to the extra-curricular tab and drop down to MGSC sports.
Mr Philip Hull
Interschool Sport Coordinator