Technology News

Design Technology and Food Studies

We welcome students to Design Technology and Food Studies for 2019.

Each Newsletter we will feature a year level with students input. This month we are focusing on Year 8.

Design Technology

Year 8 Design Technology rotate through 3 projects for the year;

  • Laser cut acrylic phone dock
  • Wooden automata
  • Architectural design, make a cardboard model of a beach house focusing on sustainability


Two Year 8 students have reflected on their “Architectural Design” experiences.

“In Wood Tech we have been looking and thinking of designing a small model of a house for two older people by a beach. We have also been making mood boards and looking at different floor plans.”

Heath Thomson 8H

“For the next few weeks in Wood Tech we have been given the task of designing a house that is set on a block of land by the beach. So far we have

researched the floor plans to inspire us and created mood boards to create a look and feeling of the home. I feel as though that during this task I am designing a house of my dreams.

Olivia-Jane Yeo 8H

Year 8 Elective –

Year 8 students can choose to do this elective Period 3 and 4 each Wednesday for a semester.

Retro Metal is a Year 8 elective that focuses on the practical processes used when working with metal. There is a small amount of designing and evaluating of the project by the student, but the focus is mainly on metalworking techniques that were popular in the 70’s. The project that the students are currently working on is an enameled copper bowl; this week they have been annealing and forming the copper. They have been developing an understanding of the processes and the related safety measures. The classroom is noisy with excited students and lots of productive work.



Students are reminded to please come to class with pencils and laptops charged.

Ms Melissa Royale

Design Technology Domain Leader

Food Studies

Our focus is to produce quick and healthy meals and snacks with a focus on health, enjoyment and sustainability.


Year 8 – Students are building on their knowledge of “The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating” to encourage healthy eating. We have paired the theory with the production of healthy meals; Hamburgers, Tacos and French Toast.


Ashlea Dunn 8I reflected on her start to the year in Food Studies: “This year for Food Tech we have made French Toast, Hamburgers and Tacos. The French Toast was very good and it was interesting to use a different technique. The Hamburgers were also pretty good. I found it pretty weird to add tomato sauce to the mince. It tasted alright. Lastly the tacos, personally I don’t like them, but they were pretty good.”

Masterchef  Year 8


Year 8 Elective -

Year 8 students can choose to do this elective Period 3 and 4 each Wednesday for a semester.


Edible Gifts– Students are extending their production skills with a focus on making foods that can be packaged as gifts. Valentine chocolates, Dukkah and Pita Crisps and Herby Pastry Swirls have all been made and beautifully presented for a gift. 

Student reflection:

“Today in Food Tech we made Dukkah, which is a Middle Eastern Spice Mix. You can put it on Salads or use it as a Pita Bread Topping. The taste is salty, spicy, nutty and it is crunchy with an orange/red colour.”

Ruth Littler  and Kat Mulholland


Masterchef – Students have made basic recipes such as Baked Eggs, Pancakes and Scones and then designed and created their own product the following session.

The students have completed “A dishwashing challenge -  Red Aprons Vs Blue Aprons”. Blue Aprons won with their great organisation and high standard of cleaning. The Scone Invention Test CAT was completed with some creative and tasty ideas.

Student reflections:

“In Masterchef I learnt how to make a pizza scroll with scone dough. Before I would have just bought the dough.”

Tegan Thornell-Brink 8J

“In Masterchef what I have learnt is that you need to use the correct measurements or it will not turn out correctly. I have also learnt how to cook things I did not know or have eaten before. I’ve learnt to rinse the dishes before you wash them in hot and soapy water.”

Laura Haymes 8J


We remind Year 7 & 8 students that the Food Studies Booklets are needed every lesson. Some students still need to purchase a book from the General Office for $5. Booklets, Display Folders, Pens are needed for every lesson.

Containers are needed for Production sessions.


Edible Gifts



Year 8  Edible Gifts


Mrs Jill Bailes

Food Technology Teacher