Board Elections 2022

Board of Trustees Results: 


Nominations for the election of parent representatives to the school board closed on Wednesday of this week. Four nominations were received on time, so because there are five vacancies, no election is required.


Our new Board - which is four members of our existing Board - will meet soon and will co-opt a fifth member to their team. Co-option will be based on identified needs within our Board's collective skill set.


Congratulations to returning Board members - Nic Yelash, Michelle Pauling, Sarah Layton and Talia Scott. Our thanks to outgoing member Tom Wu for your valued and appreciated contributions over the past three and a half years.

Aaron - Staff Rep
Michelle - Finance
Nic - Board Chair
Sarah - Board Training
Aaron - Staff Rep
Michelle - Finance
Nic - Board Chair
Sarah - Board Training

Photo for Talia - Student Wellbeing - to come.