School Council Report

August 2022

With only five weeks left of Term 3, there is plenty happening across the various subcommittees of Council, despite the various illnesses going around.


Our Fundraising subcommittee is hard at work planning for the first Fete since pre-covid times, on Saturday 19 November. There will be lots of help required from parents to staff the various stalls throughout the day and to contribute cakes, silent auction items, books, toys and other requests, so keep a lookout for sign-up sheets and donation locations as they come through over the next couple of months. 


Our Finance Committee has had a great response to the newly-created Library and Building Funds, through which parents are able to make tax-deductable donations to the school. Thank you to all of those parents who have generously donated to these funds.


An unofficial subcommittee has been convened to manage our response as a school and a community to the proposed installation of the toilet block on Fitzroy St close to the school entrance. A letter template has been drafted, along with a list of key contacts at both local and state levels of government. We will soon be sending this out to all parents to action. If you are able to assist in other ways with the ongoing campaign to have the toilet block located elsewhere, please get in touch with myself ( or Hannah Lawson ( and we will gladly add you to the working group.


As always, if you are interested in becoming more involved in the life of the school, many hands make light work and you are very welcome to come along and join a subcommittee or attend a Council meeting.


Wishing you all a safe and happy remainder of the term. 


Elisa Webb, SKiPPS Council President