Acting Principal's Report

Acting Principal’s Report 22nd July

It’s wonderful to be back in the principal chair, whilst Greg Lacey has some leave. I look forward to the next four weeks (one down already) and working with our students and staff to enhance our students’ learning experiences. 



At this stage, the transition from Sentral to Compass has been effective. We have had at least a 70% success rate of families accessing Compass from the supplied codes and information at the end of Term 2. Payments and communications have been a big focus with our admin staff. There have been some challenges but nothing we didn’t expect. The support from Compass has been fantastic and this has enabled challenges to be resolved quickly. 


Parents, please continue to support our school as we make the transition. Your patience and positive feedback would be greatly appreciated during this time as we become more accustomed to the platform.


Face Masks

Information was sent out via Compass this week about the current recommendations from the Department of Education and Training about wearing face masks. An excerpt of the message from DET is below.


The Victorian Department of Health strongly recommends that face masks are worn in indoor settings.


As a result, we are asking all students aged 8 and over and all staff in all schools across Victoria to wear masks when in class (except where removing a mask is necessary for clear communication) from now to the end of winter. 

Students won’t be required or expected to wear masks when outdoors, and this expectation won’t stop student participation in the full range of school activities, including music, sport and performances. 


We are asking for your support in explaining to your child or children the importance of this simple step that will help keep our schools as safe as possible. We also ask that you make sure your child (or children) takes a mask to school (and wears it if they are travelling on public transport) or collects a mask when they arrive at school.



We have more baby news. Amy Reid (Prep C) successfully introduced baby Elena into the world last week. We look forward to meeting her at some stage in the year.


On Thursday last week, we welcomed back Amy Eustace back (1E). Amy has returned from maternity leave and is enjoying being back in the classroom.


We have just finalised the replacement teacher for Icey Lord in Year 6 who commences maternity leave on Thursday. Ella Bell will work in this grade for four days a week and Bec Thomas will be in 6A on Fridays. We wish Icey all the best.



Jamie Sharp

Acting Principal