Child Safety...

Lunch Time Clubs


St. Joes recognise the importance that play has for our students.  We provide engaging lunch time activities every day for our students. Some students need help with playing on the yard and with other students.  The Lunch Time Clubs provides a safe environment for the students to play with the guidance of a staff member.




Another Internet / Cybersafety website our school has access to is eSmart.  It has a wide range of resources for Teachers, Parents and Students.


What is eSmart

eSmart, an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, helps teachers, librarians and the greater community to best manage cyber risks, bullying and cyber bullying issues so students feel safer and supported.


It is a Framework that sits across the entire community – teachers, students and parents.

eSmart is a long-term change program designed to educate, track, monitor and prevent bullying and cyberbullying. 


eSmart also supports schools to embrace the benefits of technology while reducing childrens’ exposure to cyber risks, such as cyber bullying, online sexual predation, sexting, identity theft and fraud.


It is not a band-aid or a quick fix, and, based on documented evidence, it was created to address cyber risks and help schools meet their duty of care.


Their goal is to keep children safe from bullying, cyber bullying and violence. 

Following on from last week's newsletter here is some great support information to help you with your children using games, apps and social networking online.


Learning About Safer Gaming: A home learning activity for parents and children to do together. Includes videos and advice around safe gaming and picking smart usernames. (Ages 8-12)