Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Deputy Principal- Learning & Teaching

Learning Powers are the BE of learning!

Building learning power is about helping young people to become better learners, both in school and out.  To thrive in the 21st century, it is not enough to leave school with just knowledge and skills, students need to have learnt how to be tenacious and resourceful, imaginative and logical, self-disciplined and self-aware, collaborative and inquisitive. 


At St Joseph's we recognise that their are many dispositions or learning powers we need to BE successful learners. In Prep students are introduced to our learning powers and explicitly taught how these support us to be successful learners. Students are introduced to these powers through our different characters below. These characters and their learning powers are highlighted as part of the Know, Do, Be of each lesson. Teachers use a continuum to support students to continue to build their understanding of these important dispositions throughout their primary years. 


When your child is engaging in learning at home you can also encourage them to think about how they can BE a better learner. Talk about strengths they have in their learning powers and the importance of using these to ensure they are life long learners.


For home learning ideas, please click on the link below to visit your child’s Home Learning Page. 

Click on the links below to go straight to your child's Home Learning Community page.