Principal's Message

Dear Parents,


I would like to continue to highlight our wonderful school. We welcome our school reviewer Kylie Graham to our school on Thursday and Friday of this week. I look forward to celebrating all of our amazing achievements and equally setting goals for future growth and development.


It is time to shout out and celebrate the wonderful achievements and the special place that St Joseph’s is. Over the next few weeks we will be sending snippets of things to celebrate out via text and social media. We will also be doing a podcast summary of the newsletter again so you can listen to the main points. Please come along each week to assembly Friday’s at 2.45pm. Students love having parents at assembly celebrating all of their wonderful learning so please come in the hall and see their amazing leadership and learning in action. If you arrive after 2.45pm we will have the back door and cafe door open.


This week we invite parents of the Bunjil Nest community to Family Fun Friday where students will showcase their learning. We also invite all parents with toddlers and babies to Little Joey’s playgroup at the community centre on Tuesday at 9.45am. 


It is time to celebrate all that we do at St Joseph’s. Enrolments are open for 2023. The most effective marketing tool for schools is word of mouth so please spread the word about our wonderful learning opportunities, our positive and supportive community and the excellent growth we are making in our learning. 


Joey’s Club is set to commence in August so please let any prospective parents know to come in and book a tour with our wonderful student leaders.


Our Year 6 students had a great day last Friday collaborating and learning together with students from our Parish schools. St Joseph’s  is part of the Westernport Parish. Our Parish schools are Padua College, St Mary’s Hastings, St Joseph’s Crib Point and St Brendan’s Somerville. Together we make up a very active Parish group where we work together for the common good of all of the students across our Parish. Last Friday was a wonderful opportunity for our Year 6 students to meet each other and build positive relationships and prepare for Secondary school. Students will meet again at our Parish sports on Thursday 4th August. Year 6 students will participate in many transition programs this Semester including visiting Padua Tyabb and Westernport College to ensure our students are fully prepared for the next stage of their schooling.


The main focus of our Year 6 retreat day was on the Sacrament of Confirmation. Students are currently preparing for this special occasion and some also received the Sacrament of Reconciliation in a beautiful faith filled ceremony in Immaculate Conception Church last Friday. 



We wish all of our Confirmation candidates all the best and we hope you are all filled with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit as you shine in your daily lives. The Confirmation ceremony will be held this Sunday 24th July at 1pm at Immaculate Conception Church. All of our community is welcome to come along and support our Year 6 students.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Father Shymon, our faith leader Peter Whyte and our Year 6 team on their leadership and preparation for this special occasion.


We ask all parents to ensure they are working with their child at home completing math, fluency tasks and vocabulary work each week found on the home learning site.   We also ask that you find time to sit with your child and read each night. If you are unable to read daily with your child we are here to support you. 


We are currently recruiting volunteers to come in and hear students read or play math fluency games. If you or someone you know is able to volunteer please let our office staff know or email and we will provide you with training and support.


Please make sure if your child is away you ring the absentee line on 59839374 every morning your child is absent by 9am. Attendance was significantly down last semester with some students having more than 25 days( 5 weeks) off school. This will impact on your child’s growth and we urge you to ensure unless your child is ill they attend school every day.


We have our child safety team working diligently in our school to ensure we have a safe environment for all of our students. The child safety team is below and we ask all students to come to any member of the child safe team if they have any concerns about safety in our school. 


Together we work to ensure the highest of standards across all areas of our school. Please do not hesitate to email me on or ring and book a meeting with me if you would like to discuss any aspects of our school.


Yours in Partnership,
