Wagga Leaders Program

The Wagga School Leaders Program is a Committee 4 Wagga initiative supported by local businesses and Charles Sturt University. The program's objective was to develop young, aspiring high school students into positive, successful ambassadors for the city. Students participated in seven modules over six months with each module designed to achieve different learning outcomes.

The program engaged students in a series of challenging mental and physical exercises including abseiling, workshops, lectures, regional industry excursions and mentoring sessions to develop a capacity to become successful leaders and community representatives.

We congratulate Ella McCorry and Rohan Cummins for being successful in completing this program while undergoing the Preliminary HSC, amongst other things. The girl's speeches show what amazing young people they are and what great ambassadors they are, not only for Wagga Wagga, but as young Australians.


Matthew Conn | Leader of Academic Care and Wellbeing

Committee 4 Wagga’s School Leaders Program is an initiative that I feel absolutely privileged to have been a part of.   


Bookended by the Orientation and Launch in February, and our recent Graduation Function  in June, Rohan and myself, alongside a cohort of 15 other Year 11 students from participating Wagga Wagga high schools, partook in seven inspiring and challenging sessions, each designed to achieve different learning outcomes on our ‘leadership journeys’.


From compelling mentor sessions with local community leaders to physical challenges like abseiling at Kapooka, which tested our teamwork, trust and communication skills, each module was impactful and imparted invaluable skills and insights as to what makes a good leader, and how to become one, in all aspects of our lives. 

In developing our capacity to become successful representatives for our communities we explored areas of strength and weakness for ourselves, learning that leadership really is a ‘journey’. 


Through modules focused on our natural communication abilities or ‘energies’ as they become known, as well as our Health and Wellbeing and resilience focused sessions, we unpacked the importance of self-reflection and self-care. Ultimately, we developed an appreciation of how, through developing self-awareness and self-confidence first, we can achieve our personal and vocational goals.


As a cross-school initiative, connecting with other Wagga Wagga school students was just another benefit of the program. Aside from coming away equipped with a range of new skills and experiences that have helped me to develop my communication and leadership capacities and which will continue to guide me, the Wagga School Leaders Program has also created so many memories and incredible new relationships which will last just as long.


Ella McCorry | Year 11 Student